Our Species eviction, yeah but …

Polluting & depleting
we’re fouling our own nest!
A planet overheating
but hey, we’re on a quest!

Whether by plain obliviousness
narcissistic dereliction
or shackled by lasciviousness
must end with species eviction

Yeah but, won’t our mindlessness be excused
as we’re by snappy ‘yeah but’ quips bemused?

-‘yeah but’ quip = such as: “Oceans rising? Yeah but, won’t we all get waterfront property then!”

OK not getting what we want – as long as we don’t get what we might deserve

Annoyed in silence we sulk
with feeling have been offended
Perhaps glad at chance to skulk
mope in victimhood pretended?

Feel we’re not being treated right?
What if we are?! Here’s what ought unnerve:
imagine how severe our plight
if receive what we rightly deserve

when we’re lashing out at every ‘offense’
in thin-skinned, callow, ego-fueled pretense!

victimhood = the kind that declares that “if I feel like a victim then I am a victim”

Rebuild but it’ll burn again

Our son had to evacuate in the recent CA wildfires

No polite little hint
or mere nudge effete
Open your eyes, don’t squint:
Fistful of browbeat!

The wildfire
its scorching flames
deadly, dire
steady its aims

Soon shall burn again
not wise to remain

Us humans best at our worst

In all around us collapse
humans best at our worst
In reoccurring relapse
a Species sadly cursed

Our worst foot forward
acting when not knowing
Drifting back shoreward
‘progress’ never slowing

Watch our denial glisten
as we refuse to listen!

Humans battle each other … while standing united against Mother Earth!

Planet like a stressed canine
shall shake itself of fleas
now in self-defense hard line
throwing off Human sleaze

With our fallacies
enduring envies

Restraint we’re sadly lacking
barely perspicacious
We rush, push, seldom slacking
way too efficacious

We keep battling amongst each other
with ferrous fangs & jagged jaws
while united against Earth Mother
Aren’t we Universe’s outlaws?!

Salivating salaciously
our species vexatiously
keeps gobbling up voraciously
defecates ungraciously

I’m since long overdue to resign
to join a species that is benign!

From rustic Peccioli, Tuscany to alta moda Venice

On the occasion of Matt(eo), while staying in Tuscany, visiting Venice. What a Paisan!

Inside a shop in Peccioli
nestled in tight an alleyway
was Matteo munching cannoli?
No, on a Venice getaway!

Deserted hoi polloi
for glitterati
Smoothly he would deploy
with literati

where acing Palazzo dinners
with dizzying crowd of winners

-paisan(o) = someone, here our son Matt(eo), who understands the significance of simply being Italian
-Palazzo dinner = https://quintessenceblog.com/inside-venice