Torn asunder, going under

The smartphone obsession
impairs our mental mettle
restrains in regression
fades fast erstwhile fine fettle

Claims of ‘doing our research’
just clicking profusion
Silly stupefying smirch
cutting short conclusion!

Thus we’re torn asunder
while we’re going under


Safer shuffle like sheep?

As Life is never taintless
might be safer shuffle like sheep
tractably & be plaintless
watching warily from seats cheap

Save us from the raving babble
too grating, clueless & grim!
Elbowed by the ruthless rabble
chance to get out alive: Slim

Aren’t we skating on thin, cracking ice
pretending that all is sweet & nice?

Lazy thoughts drifting

Like light winds shifting
blowing across the pond
lazy thoughts drifting
awed, by escapism spawned

Unmoored our minds flap
as plunged stones or dipped oars
stir small waves which lap
expediency’s shores

Minds in the mundane adrift
to most else giving short shrift


Escaping from what? Searching for what?

In every port city
blown above ship hulls
eerily the ‘ditty’
of screeching seagulls

Thus welcomed the seafarer
who soon senses constrain
and the Sea, the ensnarer,
lures him back to its reign

So with eyes teary
sailors depart mournful
of port nights weary
of landlubbers scornful


Clinging to inanity

O, how smugly incurious
in our vapid vanity
when facts we declare spurious
clinging to inanity!

Smooth snappiness in language
emojis, tropes, cliches
Cannot conceal our anguish
of deepening malaise:

such as we’re The Nation Exceptional
always indistinctly conceptional

‘Reality Show’ Democracy

Blustering bully clown
the unhinged ‘junker’
Trump just won’t hunker down
in White House bunker

but carries on conceited
in full blown narcissism
indulges in untreated
racism, neo-fascism

His volcanic vanity
pounds in profanity
Incessant inanity
sprains human sanity

‘Reality Show’ Democracy
bestowed on us: Kakistocracy!

-junkers = the landed ‘nobility’ in Prussia. their great estates (in Trump’s case: golf resorts, hotels & casinos) are worked by those with few rights
-kakistocracy = government by the vile & worst, least qualified or most unscrupulous citizens (from Greek kakistos: worst)

In slack-jawed stupefaction

Gushing over ‘high society’
in such slack-jawed stupefaction?
Finding its crass impropriety
a never ceasing attraction?

Reading about celebs of means
(chauffeured in their limousines)
in check-out counter magazines?
If amusing, by all means!

But is it long term fulfilling
that what it might be instilling?

Does verbiage watered down make us sound cool or like a fool?

Aren’t words fading of meaning
in to something we just utter
to buttress our keen preening
we spread them thickly like butter?

With screens abound who needs pedagogy
when we have all pictures & emoji?

Silly vanity
of ignorance willful
and inanity
of ineptness skillful

When we’re selecting words on how they sound
then how wouldn’t sentences get out of bounds?