Dereliction drastic: Buying stuff in plastic

Convenient in the moment
to buy what’s sold in plastic
but no peace of mind bestowment
as dereliction drastic:

Pernicious plastic everywhere
in human, flora & fauna cells
in groceries, crops, soil & air
in oceans, lakes, streams & water wells

So kids, shall not be solved by smile
or in cute selfies implore
To be saved from a future vile
won’t work trying to ignore

Parents who do not want to change
is an intransigent force
who shall continue to derange
while say they love you of course

But as their conscience is elastic
their engagement be at best spastic

Today’s speech rarely corollary, mostly arbitrary

Of today’s speech be wary
seldom corollary
ill boding, often airy
hurriedly Hail Mary

Flimsy, fleeting such ‘bliss’
when facts, what’s fair we ignore
in collusion we kiss
Cease & desist, I implore!

Or I’ll wake with hangover hammering
from such ceaseless self-absorbed yammering

Life’s unrivaled antic

Up the rose strewn trail scented
rushes the frantic fool
dizzy, common sense dented
like a kid out of school

We’re unfazed
hasty, dazed
our eyes glazed
all sense razed

Aroused to love romantic
what thrilling perception
our life’s unrivaled antic
of passion, deception

A game by a Creator ‘demented’
assures new generations tormented

A baby calf’s life they cruelly steal so we may enjoy a meal. Bon appetite, anyone?

Eating a tender ‘veal’ meal
brought to dinner table
with ugly, hardhearted zeal
Here’s goes the non-fable:

Cruelty we’re mislabeling
yes, how a calf becomes veal
This is what we are enabling
it’s a once in lifetime steal

He suffers alone the forlorn calf
put in dark bin to become ‘veal’
on pitiless meat eaters behalf
all his hoped-for joy they would steal

After months in the dark
posture hard to be shifted
calf cannot even walk
so weak he must be lifted

Then drawing his last breath
from Hell’s lonely bane
liberated by Death
from the gruesome pain

“My eating cheese, drinking milk
did not kill the milked cow!”
Well, you of indulgent ilk
it does, here’s when & how:

A milked out cow suffers five years
when slaughter ends her life in fears

Pentagon simply cannot ‘under spend’. Hence no peace dividend

The ‘peace dividend’
since fall of Mastodon
seemed a heaven-send
in 1991

But the Pentagon
please try to cotton on
can’t but carry on
needed to bear down on

Despite it’s vainly bloat
it just won’t concede
a single tank, plane, boat
or other war steed

seemed at time providential
turned out inconsequential

-cotton on = understand, or begin to understand
-1991 = the collapse of the Soviet Union (here: Mastodon)