A Sixth Mass Extinction, now really?

If you insist go right ahead! Be my guest! Just don’t involve us!

Well, aren’t you persistent
it did happened in the past
may in future distant
But we would still be miscast!

For should it happen in the present
we’d rather stay unaffected!
Such a tiresome & irksome event
must out of hand be rejected!

We avoid things unnerving
enabling us to glide along
on our life path unswerving
no worry until our swan song

Until then we prefer rush headlong
heedlessly, unblushingly headstrong!

-Sixth Mass Extinction = Over the last half-billion years, life on Earth has been nearly wiped out five times. It’s happening right now for the sixth time. Let’s give ourselves a big hand for so splendidly helping it along this time around!


Trying not to offer opinions unprompted!

Who would unprompted share
one’s fact-grounded opinions
let heart & mind laid bare
to cliché-spouting minions?

Would that not be to squander
what is for each quintessential
in a frivolous yonder
tangential to life essential?

Unless someone appears sincerely to ask
might we not prefer in a limelight to bask

… but will we lead a worthwhile life?

If we want to get along
mouth only the mundane
and if we want to belong
stray not in the arcane!

Let others spout their opinion
and just pretend to listen
Act the sycophantic minion
smile, best if our eyes glisten

Avoid these words to get along:
‘ascetic’ & ‘poetic’
Apply in order to belong:
‘athletic’ & ‘cosmetic’

Voice only the prosaic
like ‘we get warm by burning coal’
avoid ‘photovoltaic’
Above all do not bare our soul!

Thus we’ll evade some risk & strife
but will we lead a worthwhile life?

Up hill slowly I pedal lowly amidst a few drivers who verbally meddle

I regularly pedal up a steep, narrow, winding, two-way, two-lane road occasionally ‘causing’ drivers to wait due to oncoming traffic before passing me. Judging from some cars ‘riding my rear fender’ & the rare occasional driver’s remark or gesture perhaps I’m viewed by some drivers as an annoying traffic impediment? Others may perhaps be capable of ‘feeling my pain’ (here in aging legs & lungs), while by most ignored? So goes our human experience at large.

One irate driver yelling
“You’re obstructing traffic!”
on mission Cyclist Quelling
then adds gesture graphic

While another in civil quirk
rather cheers my modest pace
by affably calling “Good work!”
with welcomed patience & grace

Thus the human clash goes
between those empathetic
and those in restless throes
sounding off homiletic

Of course up to anyone exposed
to try act safely & stay composed

Virus Justice

‘Leaders’ now talk about the Covid-19 struggle as ‘war’. If so – a long overdue change from the gruesome practice throughout history of sending the very young out to fight & die. Fairer now when the old folks at home become the casualties. Still what remains the outrage is how ‘essential’ workers (many poorly paid with few benefits & poorly protected) are sent out to work & die.

In most wars the young
were sent out to perish
most often unsung
or cheered with praise garish

The old folks at home jingoistic
of soldiers horrors euphemistic

Now in the Covid ‘war’
with its surreptitious gore
Lady Justice keeps score
shredding such mythical lore

Now the young live for another day
while the old folks keep dying away

Not discrete, just effete

We grind in daily strife absurd
opaque our faith & locus
Reality banned, vision blurred
all jarringly out of focus

We’re distracted by games of fantasy
with noses on screens ubiquitous
sunken in political apathy
to power elite obsequious

As we woefully bray
behind foul a bellwether
aren’t we deserving prey
to perish all together?

As we’re pretending be discreet
while we’re just cowering effete?

What humans, weren’t we demented, might have prevented

As we blew the chance of controlling
the Virus from gaining traction
When copped out on masking, patrolling
Mother Earth took cogent action:

She let the Virus do for its survival
what Humans ought to have done for its own
Failing to learn from our Species revival
we’re left pretending: ‘How could we have known’?

Yet again the Price of Neglect rarely
gets imposed timely but always fairly

Leap gallantly, gladly!

If we hide in a comfy niche
we’ll fade attenuated
risking wake up wet in a ditch
pretty humiliated

While mired in same old rut
tempting to staying put
stuck obligated

So why grin in stale attire?
Let’s dress to our heart’s desire!

True change is implacable
trade-offs it shall extract
often proves intractable
with long lasting impact

So leap gallantly, gladly
or we’ll forgo Life badly!

Watch the ‘Stable Genius’ stabilize The Virus!

Had he only readied tests

before the virus pounced
would we be in ‘house arrests’?
Life as we knew it trounced?

While for scientists problematic
since turned inept & erratic
by boastful meddling trumplematic
while his base cheers on ecstatic!

Of such noble creed & greed
how come ‘leadership’ lackluster?
Why won’t this Virus pay heed
to blaming, bully & bluster?