Language of anguish mumbled here

Since morning’s crisp elation
we walk, head down, in daze
Tangled up in frustration
lost in Life’s dead end maze

Yet another day wasted
in mean meanderings
too lightly smelled & tasted
on wobbly wanderings

Are we too mired in anguish
to grasp our heart’s warm language?

-mean = here: small-minded; ignoble

These days compassion may seem out of fashion

In space planets callously align
silently encircle, rotate
Some hearts may beat warmly and benign
while others coldly desolate

While Universe’s dark frozen space
stolidly shows no emotion
compassion may help us humans face
our continuing commotion

It may not lead us anywhere
but provide solace while we’re here


Democracy’s dying embers

We ‘commune’ by bumper stickers
and by thought-ending cliches
Feebly democracy flickers
in such debased a malaise

Ever sillier, who’d thought?
Uninformed we get out of sync
society’s bonds worn fraught
Civil discourse gone down the sink

Now in anomie mired
entertained on apps agile
In fantasy conspired
reality’s grip fragile

But what a way to go
when wishing not to know!

Hearing no birdsong?

Are we rushing headlong
hearing no birdsong
all unmindful days long
until sounds swan song?

Entitled like baby boomer?
Whining like left waiting dog?
Offended like gypped consumer?
Fawning like corporate cog?

I’d rather live present & cheerfully
than elbowing airily sneerfully!


Don’t act deranged! What Climate Change?!

Winter rages bleak & cold
then merely click ‘unfriend’!
For Spring soon to burgeon bold
just click ‘like’ to impend!

Climate change talk we won’t brook
cannot by hoodwinked eye be seen
It lacks button on Facebook
anywhere in front of our screen!

What’s Fantasy and what’s Reality
long since blurred in Mainstream Media
Drenched in torrents of triviality
by enablers of Acedia

Unbeknownst benighted
watch us grin shortsighted

-acedia = not caring or not being concerned with one’s position or condition in the world

The (car) crash

The moment after crashing
time seemingly stands still
“You are alive!” keeps flashing
in vertiginous thrill

Crashed by distracted blunder
as no one did contrive
Withstood a thrust through thunder
to find oneself alive!

Then rest of day oxygenated
in pain, dazed while exhilarated



Disgrace of the Human Race

Can one but be a disgrace

(surely impossible!)
if part of the Human Race?
Would seem implausible!

Now what eclipses evil
ever since times primeval:

We’re soiling our only nest
til unhabitable
in shortsighted selfish quest.
Once unfathomable!

Life’s sweet cream skimmed

Thinning hair ruffled
Slow feet stumbled
Noise shrill while muffled
Same days jumbled

Yarns spun garrulous
Headlights gone dimmed
on roads perilous
Life’s sweet cream skimmed

Been carrying on too long
Ready for the last round: Gong!