Feet ‘cry ankle’

Here the expression of ‘cry uncle’ becomes ‘cry ankle’. Experienced after long days of sightseeing on foot in e.g. a major tourism city.

Our knees
both screech

Oy vey! oy vey! oy vey!
as feet ‘cry ankle’
Dawns yet another day
regrets shall rankle

But why dwell in an existence
where the major absorbing locus
is on bodily persistence?
Where’s the intellectual focus?

But until found ain’t it sadly obvious
that of such we just had not the foggiest

-oy vey! = (Yiddish) expression of dismay or hurt

Punishment or reward?

Life’s hilly road winds abstruse
sometimes circuitous
Of what befalls we’re obtuse
shall seem gratuitous

Perhaps fortuitously
not by divine keyboard?
Events evolve furtively
warnings often ignored

Aren’t we oddly innocent of what is untoward
as when what seemed ‘punishment’ later turns out ‘reward’?


Fades fast solidarity’s warm light

Throughout history of cultures
humans have brought agony
Tearing asunder like vultures
and seldom showing mercy

Egos flare while hearts still yearn
to mire us in conflict
now getting too late to learn
to help, and not inflict

Life lost in bickering
Solidarity’s warm lights
have long been flickering
collapse nibbled, now it bites

Even with our planet crumbling
why aren’t our failings found humbling?

All of us quirming in the face of The Great Unknown?

What if we’re just like worms
in their dark bin’s murky muck
each crawls, wiggles & squirms
bragging of their own great pluck!

What says that humans know more
about the Great Unknown?
What may we claim on that score
as Creation’s Capstone?

Never mind how much we boast and grin
don’t we botch it in our ‘brighter bin’?

‘brighter bin’ = here: planet Earth



The opposite of ‘cowardly? ‘Cow-ardly’!

On noticing a herd of cows grazing on the edge of a shallow lake:

A herd of brown cows grazing
on grass by the water
short-cut future they’re facing
for goodness sake: Slaughter!

In the now’ heroically
as they’re living on the edge
Noses to ground stoically
while astutely skirting sedge

Let’s be courageous in the now
having a field day like a cow!

-cow-ardly = here: the ways of cows, incl their courage & rectitude, which prominently lacking in the humans who exploit them.

Nature shall romp in mirth!

Could have had solidarity
rather than indignity
engaged in jocularity
rather than malignity

Our Species is lost in denial
thinking we alone in control
but shows us up as suicidal
when created our own sinkhole

But Humans falling extinct
shall rejuvenate Earth
summed up here in phrase succinct:
Nature shall romp in mirth!

Depth of soul plumbed, found bereft & numbed

My presence turned sallow
gotten gray & old
Insipid & shallow
shuffling like a troll

Seeking out quietude
and tranquility
scrounging each interlude
for sanguinity

Uneasily did plumb
the depth of my soul:
Found it still callow, numb
though perhaps bit droll?

In my youth I held higher hopes
than retire as one of Life’s dopes

How do I join a steadfast one?

Us Humans are a fickle lot
at least the ones this poor Earth got

On our Life’s fleeting one-way flight
fluctuates the scenery
between our chilly mind’s parched blight
and our warm heart’s greenery

With this forlorn Human Race I’m done
Tell, how do I join a steadfast one?