Shop did not prove last stop

From the workforce now retired
but otherwise unexpired!

While in earlier years, prior
I had the fleeting notion
of hearing the Heavenly Choir
filling me with emotion:

that toiling away in the bike shop
would prove my life’s blowout puncture
The terminal ‘end of the line’ stop
with no transfer at that juncture

For now my mind keeps inquiring
although more & more misfiring

the bike shop = my, at the time, place of work

Fulfillment finally

Been rotating with agility
while precisely ‘hanging in there’
in serviceable docility
next to gurgling porcelain chair

Squeezable white roll flowingly gowned
personality tightly bound
gradually becoming unwound:
Can’t handle one more flushing sound!

Then after no more sheets to be ripped
lost in predicament mirthless:
Tossed away naked to the core, stripped
abandoned, overlooked, worthless

But behold! By a tiny child found
the roll’s core now joyfully blown
Dreams of fulfillment finally crowned:
Roll reborn as gleaming trombone!


Life’s unrivaled antic

Up the rose strewn trail scented

rushes the frantic fool
dizzy, common sense dented
like a kid out of school

We’re unfazed
hasty, dazed
our eyes glazed
all sense razed

Aroused to love romantic
what thrilling perception
our life’s unrivaled antic
of passion, deception

A game by a Creator ‘demented’
assures new generations tormented

Knees OK?

Thanks but, they’re mere hinges
Worse though is my mind
bumping on the fringes
To some: too opined

Were it only mind & knees
what a gentle, kindly breeze!

But Life is howlingly intractable
careens oddly, nefariously
Life’s play is but tenuously actable
although sometimes hilariously

Stirring up excess, we make a mess

We persist by push & aggress
may advance using cold guile.
We stir up excess, make a mess
crest our material pile.

At last, alas! We thought: Success!
We’re ‘uniquely’ distinguished
but pray tell who did we impress?
Soon we’ll all be extinguished.

Nonetheless not letting up, roiled in strife
Too busy hiding out in daily Life.

Beethoven’s 9th

Lifted beyond mind & heart distraught
Unshackled from self insignificant
Saved from lonely fear & scattered thought
Freed from mortal body recalcitrant

Passion’s waves crash on to eternity’s shore
from turmoil, anger & of guilt relieved
Briefly we rest in immortality’s core
not absolved, momentarily reprieved

While only the most clueless among nerds
dare describe Beethoven’s music with words …

Yeah but, I agonized in the fray

“Strip away the trivial and the banal, the empty chatter and foolish obsessions that fill our days” – Chris Hedges

Indulging each bagatelle
welcoming every distraction?
In our games of show-and-tell
we lack reality traction

Why not live to be able to say
when catches us the Grim Reaper:
‘At least I agonized in the fray
make sure to tell the Gate Keeper!’

Rather in ungainly Reality struggle
than vainly in Fantasy trying to snuggle

Jetting off by plan, yet fretting again?

Decision making worth not one iota
wobbling, am yet again straddling the fence
Long since depleted my green house gas quota
The same old dead end dance: Ambivalence

Why another near speed of sound detour
thirty thousand feet above the ground?
Tell me, what’s conceivably the allure?
In Life where am I really bound?

Am no longer a sightseer
as found the ‘there’ over there
would no more enrich or endear
than does the ‘here’ back home here

So there, er, here!

Rejoice, nothing is amiss!

From our body we may learn
beyond what mere words can express
what our mind may not discern:
To hold on would be to digress

Old age slips of grasp & grip
may only be appearing so
as we do not at all slip:
Just loosening & letting go

No need cower before What’s Next
just stay calm, let’s attempt unvexed!

So rejoice, nothing is amiss:
Aging is indeed the balmy breeze
soon now we’ll bridge that Great Abyss
to swing on Eternity’s trapeze

Are us humans but programmed fools?

Are us Humans worms in ‘earthly bin’
lacking in context, perspectives
experts only on the ‘mud’ within?
Not sages, at best detectives?

Are we about ‘volition’
conclusively assured
or merely apparition
just anxiously allured?

Is ‘understanding’ a joke cruel
just nothing beyond illusion?
So perhaps I’m but a programmed fool
deeply tangled in confusion?

Still blessed in earthly life when in peace
when restraining ourselves from caprice