Weakly we preen watching a screen

So tingly tactile:
tripping on an anthill
dancing a quadrille
working in a steel mill

Instead we vainly preen:
leaned on the Net’s crutch
as watching on a screen
keep us out of touch

Yet we butt in prone to pronounce – come on!
although we know so little from hands-on!

Memories stoked by pedal strokes

Memories glaringly stoke
turns the Past over as by plow
while seems every pedal stroke
distracts me away from The Now

Riding the bike ‘memory machine’
brings on wondrous recollection
as if shown on refulgent wide screen
in stern fiat retrospection

Whilst as long as rotate the wheels
my mixed Past unflinchingly squeals 8

squeal = to inform on

When disquietude brims, the outlook dims

Attempting life uncomplicated
in today’s screeching world unhinged
more so by each day, inundated
finding myself ever more fringed

Near drowning in dubiety
from which never sounds ‘all clear’
still lessens my anxiety
when in verse I persevere

Or when my disquietude brims
when shallow restlessness spikes
or whenever the outlook dims
I jump on one of my bikes

Quatrain strophes, pedal strokes allay
fleetingly nudge doomsday thoughts away

Flawless fullness found in stillness

Life’s maddening throng
of importunity
with its hollow twang
of shrill disunity

While in fleeting stillness
we’re given the chance
at the flawless fullness
of Eternal Dance:

To be sensing the thrill
of Universe’s will

importunity = persistence in solicitation


Not of change convincible when feeling invincible

Who misses peace of mind
when feeling invincible?
Towards change disinclined
simply not convincible

How breezily we’re self-reliant
on course set obliviously!
Of solidarity defiant
while grabbing lasciviously:

Fleetingly our bodies do subsist
while our hearts & souls on the sick list

We languish within the limits of language

All throughout human history
we’re left wholly in the lurch
when it comes to Life’s Mystery
we flounder on endless search

While purposeful language
serves us well in the mundane
it leaves us to languish
when grappling with The Arcane

To debate what may lie Beyond
ain’t that a sure way to despond?

edited 03/27/24 145O

Wayward if beyond my backyard

I’ve arrived at a stage
when finding most ‘news’ canard
of small use at my age
being somewhat a blowhard

What merely simulates
no longer stimulates

The wide world no longer
entices with what’s out there
While pulsating stronger
my heart & mind both right here

Staying calm around home, so far unbarred
while feeling wayward beyond my backyard

Suspended between Heavenly Bliss and Hell Blistery

Am I a person shallow
attempting to act deep
and being fairly callow
the challenge proves too steep?

In Life’s glare I’m waning
while fumbling in bleak twilight
Perhaps only feigning
when charging hard for Insight?

But who’s not suspended in Life’s Mystery
between Heavenly Bliss and Hell Blistery?