Are Human Species character flaws beyond redress?

Do our character flaws
whatever the cause
detract like tearing jaws
or mere scratching paws?

Flaws shall keep us estranged
make us seem deranged
and while feeling shortchanged
still persist unchanged

Human Nature unruly
which we ought but abhor
it keeps us ensnared cruelly
Just doesn’t work to ignore

Keeps persisting immutably
while doing so inscrutably

Our Species eviction, yeah but …

Polluting & depleting
we’re fouling our own nest!
A planet overheating
but hey, we’re on a quest!

Whether by plain obliviousness
narcissistic dereliction
or shackled by lasciviousness
must end with species eviction

Yeah but, won’t our mindlessness be excused
as we’re by snappy ‘yeah but’ quips bemused?

-‘yeah but’ quip = such as: “Oceans rising? Yeah but, won’t we all get waterfront property then!”

Suffering no mere antics crossing our own Atlantics

Piercing, plaintive
shrieks of lone seagulls
faint, complaintive
such eerie earfuls

Beneath graphite clouds
on fierce waves metal grey
we’re tightening shrouds
while drenched in lashing spray

Rolling, pitching pinned
on old ship rusty
drifting sideways, downwind
in gale bursts gusty

With hollow hope, we wail
hearts pounding, bones chill
frantically we bail
while bilges still fill

Thus we’re crossing our own Atlantic
getting worn out in pumping frantic


For some of us saps … it’s taps

Erstwhile restraint all gone
guts soft, hearts hardened
Attempting every con
foul fallout pardoned

Society’s strands frayed
way beyond hope of repair
From empathy’s path strayed
face down in ditch of despair

Sunk in our armchair
‘thinking’ now as the herd
Watching the fanfare
until our vision blurred

Been living sardined
soon dying demeaned

-fanfare = here: the ostentatious political lies, media propaganda, endless entertainment, commercials etc
-sap = (slang) a fool; sucker; dupe
-sardined = in cramped, hampered conditions, here: as far as outlook, perspective, context

Find a woman hard for you to match!

A father’s advice to his son of marrying age

Whether a ‘lounging’ heiress
find one with spiritual depth
or an ‘on feet’ hairdresser
Insist on sweet soul, mind of breadth

(Not, if newly, a divorcee
or a just released parolee)

One shapely with good looks:
A compelling muse
one who adeptly cooks
doesn’t watch tv news

A woman hard for you to match
and one not too easy to catch


Gushing feelgood rush

Splendidly gallop our horses
below glimmer of sabers
in bravely fought lost good causes
thus found stillborn our labors

While briefly providing
gushing feelgood rush
way too soon subsiding
that compelling crush

Thusly often runs the course
of many a ‘noble’ cause

Aren’t most of idiots truly in these times most unruly?

‘Idiots’ are we not truly
in Athenian word sense
if in these times most unruly
we’re just sitting on the fence?

With economy now in free fall
while society collapses
time to mitigate (though can’t forestall)
before short time left elapses!

Why don’t we try our utmost
as Earth does turn burning toast?

idiot = from ‘idios’ (private, one’s own); an ‘idiot’ in Athenian democracy (500 B.C.) was someone who was concerned almost exclusively with private, as opposed to public, affairs – not seeming to grasp how they are intertwined! Declining to take part in public life was largely frowned upon – considered dishonorable even. ‘idiots’ were thus seen as having poor judgment in societal matters (now, really!)

Distracting vs exacting

Happiness but cloying
pinkish ribbon flown
flimsy & decoying
by fickle winds blown

While embracing Peace of Mind
steadfastly us anchor
Life’s most impeccable find
knows calm joy, not rancor

Happiness dallies in distracting
Peace of Mind lets us live exacting


Weakly we preen watching a screen

So tingly tactile:
tripping on an anthill
dancing a quadrille
working in a steel mill

Instead we vainly preen:
leaned on the Net’s crutch
as watching on a screen
keep us out of touch

Yet we butt in prone to pronounce – come on!
although we know so little from hands-on!