The odd ditty more wobbly than witty

Tired of hearing myself talking
in fat ego distention
of balking, hawking & squawking
Bring on an intervention!

Rarely found nibblers eager
taste my wilted phrases salad
culinary most meager
displayed in dry servings pallid

May lack knack but for the odd ditty
commonly more wobbly than witty?

Consumer choice!

With valiant perseverance
in one united voice:
“We brook no interference
with Consumer Choice!

We blindly march in lockstep
while anger & planet smolder
We prattle, whine, chase & schlepp
Cassandras get the cold shoulder

How silly we’re beaming
unbeknownst benighted

Not by taking but in giving

Down yet another alley
on yet another day
by yet another sally
stirring another fray

Such manner leads us astray
Let’s tread another pathway:

One that lets us live life caring
not taking but in giving
Our predator teeth not baring
Not blaming but forgiving!

giving = also: the quality or state of being resilient

Wrapped in impatience itchy shawl

O, humanity’s attraction
albeit just reactive
to ceaseless din of distraction
irresistibly tractive

Discord rarely averted
when our opinions brawl
amidst invective blurted
stretching the endless sprawl

Is rob Paul to pay Peter
merely ‘sound’ greed, no gall
thus no one is a cheater
for just wanting it all?

Merely business as usual
robbing Peter to pay Paul
only bottom line is crucial
so let’s try to rob them all!

Wrapped in impatience itchy shawl
splashing through Life’s icy squalls
letting mundane pursuits enthrall
gliding in fallacious valse


To gather poise

Turmoil churns nocturnally
contorted internally:

Flooded by angst at night
Clock on night table stands still
No way out, left or right!
While under thick blanket chill

After toss & turn til dawn
face the day, get a grip!
Though eyes blurred, facial hue wan
must try to right the ship

Rising in to the day’s noise
we must try to gather poise


Remorse is re-heated dinner course

By remorse acquainted
have tried paint over my past
but by past I’m tainted
so the gloss just would not last

My body dinged, dented
mind mushed, fermented
my poor soul tormented
A Life repented

On Life’s ladder I wobble estranged
fear being put in the ground unchanged


Freed from solidarity! ‘Freed’ ?!

Through Neoliberal contortion
said to ‘free us’ from solidarity
we thrash about in self absorption
unbeknownst of our insularity

But the ‘freed’ claim is specious
far from innocent gaffe
nor is the claim facetious
since on us is the laugh!

If we don’t fight together
that fierce One Percent Bunch
for sure (not about ‘whether’)
shall devour us for lunch!

-One Percent Bunch = the Power Elites (more like ‘point one percent’) who are stealing our economic, social and environmental commons, by the methods of

Erudite by keyboard taps light

“Hey, just some quick research on the Net, and I’ll hold my own against any expert in any field! Advanced degrees & years of practice is just for the slow learner!”

Many a Net acolyte
goes from sheer neophyte
to solidly erudite
by mere keyboard tap light!

Thus she or he presumes
by unique prerogative
to learn from iffy fumes!
Ain’t that too rebarbative?

Not just naively superficial
but to sound outcome prejudicial!