did fate present him with a soul mate?
but his heart a Wheel of Ferris
instead he flew off to Paris
are rapturous flings but his grim fate?
Not Poetry. Quatrain Verse in English & Swedish. Dagsverser. On the Mundane & the Arcane.
Poems in English
did fate present him with a soul mate?
but his heart a Wheel of Ferris
instead he flew off to Paris
are rapturous flings but his grim fate?
Process never mysterious:
Elite’s manners once imperious
power keeps them delirious
while turns deadly deleterious
Whatever injustices the People decry
the Elite shall then dismissively justify
First Humans by God created
but then God decided to outsource
which turned out largely ill-fated
caused overpopulation of course
It blurred the line
of procreation
would more incline
to recreation
Is the purpose of Human Life
mainly to create more life
bringing more humans into strife
to suffering ever more rife?
As being swept away by passion
always an obstacle to ration
first humans = Adam & Eve
In her chair she’d swivel
with much inane drivel
But as she’s the boss
I make my eyes glisten
can’t handle job loss
that thought jolts in frisson
and so goes yet another day
in the cutthroat corporate fray
Outrage of neoliberalism
seems to have taken the backseat
(as well the fear of proto-fascism)
for the ‘neo-pronoun elite’:
Stray on the neo-pronoun path
where they self-righteously prance
we risk get mauled by minions’ wrath
in their identity dance
Their chase for the proper pronoun
shall seemingly never slow down
Denial hard coated
invariably fractious
obstinately bloated
fallacious, fast & factious
Might ‘work’ within the rare moment
while a dubious bestowment
Must be the fossil fuel
or the biggest banks!
Those from ivy league school
in government’s ranks!
We seldom seem nonplussed
that is never caused by ‘us’
Of course would’ve been unjust
as too busy to discuss
Still makes ‘us innocent victims’ fume
when we’re trying so hard to consume
We hail from people who had to toil
through ages in bleak subsistence
on some miserly morsel of soil
eking out a grim existence
but they managed
Now to ‘consumer’ uplifted
infinitely more stuff
How human life has shifted!
Why can’t we get enough?
On my weary ears
words effusive
to my loves & fears
found abusive
Intrusive blather
flightily inflated
light foamy lather
forthwith sags deflated
Frantic words be they well-meaning
may well be found over-weaning
My poor aging body
a ramshackle shack
Now worn down & shoddy
emitting pained yack
Whenever it moves around
ailments reveal therein
Feels beat down, close to breakdown
that’s life of the has-been
Now it’s only left for us to treasure
how in our prime it bestowed such pleasure