Carried away by passion: an obstacle to ration

First Humans by God created
but then God decided to outsource
which turned out largely ill-fated
caused overpopulation of course

It blurred the line
of procreation
would more incline
to recreation

Is the purpose of Human Life
mainly to create more life
bringing more humans into strife
to suffering ever more rife?

As being swept away by passion
always an obstacle to ration

first humans = Adam & Eve

‘They’ used to be plural, now procural

Outrage of neoliberalism
seems to have taken the backseat
(as well the fear of proto-fascism)
for the ‘neo-pronoun elite’:

Stray on the neo-pronoun path
where they self-righteously prance
we risk get mauled by minions’ wrath
in their identity dance

Their chase for the proper pronoun
shall seemingly never slow down

Pending collapse as if in time-lapse

Must be the fossil fuel
or the biggest banks!
Those from ivy league school
in government’s ranks!

We seldom seem nonplussed
that is never caused by ‘us’
Of course would’ve been unjust
as too busy to discuss

Still makes ‘us innocent victims’ fume
when we’re trying so hard to consume

Disadvantaged but they managed

We hail from people who had to toil
through ages in bleak subsistence
on some miserly morsel of soil
eking out a grim existence

but they managed

Now to ‘consumer’ uplifted
infinitely more stuff
How human life has shifted!
Why can’t we get enough?