Intertwined companions yell across canyons

Obstinacy & Aging
those two intertwined companions
with their hangups engaging
they be yelling across canyons

In perpetual dance
unyielding stays their stance

Their ingrained character flaws
refuse to step aside
whether as result or cause
leaves us worn, bleary-eyed

With Obstinacy one might try engage
while with Aging merely watch its rampage

They shall pass muster, so pass the mustard!?

Advertised on blogs:
“These pass muster!”
about some hot dogs
“Pass the mustard!”

Maybe hot dogs look good
given a cursory glance
from where we had first stood
but if looked again, askance:

How & with what are hot dogs made
but poor mistreated animal parts?
The question we evade, dismayed:
How did they end up so cold, our hearts?

But don’t ask, just chomp, don’t tell!
If tastes good, ain’t then all well?

Stand your ground, fire another round!

Others we hate or fear
and regard with derision
We carry guns & sneer
amidst growing division

Facing constant suspicion
we’re piling up the munition
Self-defense our sole mission
sensing no need for contrition

Under the law of ‘stand-your-ground’
go ahead, fire another round!

Carried away by passion: an obstacle to ration

First Humans by God created
but then God decided to outsource
which turned out largely ill-fated
caused overpopulation of course

It blurred the line
of procreation
would more incline
to recreation

Is the purpose of Human Life
mainly to create more life
bringing more humans into strife
to suffering ever more rife?

As being swept away by passion
always an obstacle to ration

first humans = Adam & Eve

‘They’ used to be plural, now procural

Outrage of neoliberalism
seems to have taken the backseat
(as well the fear of proto-fascism)
for the ‘neo-pronoun elite’:

Stray on the neo-pronoun path
where they self-righteously prance
we risk get mauled by minions’ wrath
in their identity dance

Their chase for the proper pronoun
shall seemingly never slow down