Straight A:s

On the occasion when granddaughter Sarah, a high school junior, earned straight A:s


There was this sharp determined student named Sarah
who ushered in a new academic era

Earned straight A:s by her own volition
wouldn’t follow family tradition

that until now of scholars dry as Sahara

To secure empire Pentagon remains the sine qua non

Are they being overwrought
in Military Paradise
those bemedaled Argonauts
who keep exhorting sacrifice:

for Freedom & Democracy
to flow out the barrel of the gun?
The life quenching hypocrisy
that the Argonauts shall never shun

Their faces don’t show pallor
while humming Te Deum
their proclaimed Christian Valor
contrary to Freedom

To secure empire Pentagon
handles wars of premeditation
It remains the sine qua non
to what’s needing annihilation

Leaving us to watch the Pentagon roll on
over the next small country it bears down on


In tiresome tirades tendentious why do sound so pretentious?

Our deluded Prime Mover
acts arrogant & contentious
seeking room to maneuver
with pithy prancing pretentious

Readily spouts what’s trite
mixed with random invective
Blindly claims to be right
while facts, logic deflective

Keeps up tiresome tirades tendentious
but aren’t we all sometimes sententious?

sententious = full of terse pithy sayings & axioms

Pentagon simply cannot ‘under spend’. Hence no peace dividend

The ‘peace dividend’
since fall of Mastodon
seemed a heaven-send
in 1991

But the Pentagon
please try to cotton on
can’t but carry on
needed to bear down on

Despite it’s vainly bloat
it just won’t concede
a single tank, plane, boat
or other war steed

seemed at time providential
turned out inconsequential

-cotton on = understand, or begin to understand
-1991 = the collapse of the Soviet Union (here: Mastodon)

A flower flows ever so gently with the wind

Flower’s stalk bows bent
face down, pose dejected
but does she lament
her being rejected?

While I admired her entranced
who else might have noticed
spared but the briefest of glance
or feeling remotest?

Why would a single real life flower need to be seen
when several thousands can be pulled up on your screen?


In stillness we may be taught

In stillness we need not strive for more
as its wind embraces in warm whisper
The past doesn’t whimper, future doesn’t roar
Thoughts may blur, while emotions feel crisper

Into stillness we’re gladly brought
it’s a place where we may be taught