Glad to Have You Home

A Limerick on the occasion of Conner, a grandson, returning home to Sunset Hill in Seattle after serving as a paratrooper with the IDF.

There was a young man from Sunset Hill
with many talents & of strong will

As a paratrooper Conner
served IDF with honor

For now, I suspect, he’s had his fill

IDF: Israeli Defense Forces

Wars would have stalled if only Middle Aged were called

Urged on by (their voices shrill)
jingoistic sheeple
train Baby Faces to kill
die for other people

If instead us Middle Aged were called
many a war would surely have stalled

sheeple = (derogatory, slang) people who unquestioningly accept as true whatever their political leaders say or who adopt popular opinion as their own without scrutiny

Leeringly looting Lithiumania

What we all must bar
promptly, and here is why:
the electric car
due matter of supply

Frenzied Lithium mania
allowed us be led astray:
Looting Lithiumania
we just got carried away

We just can’t escape monomania
as part of our megalomania

-Lithium = a crucial metal, that must be mined, for electric vehicle batteries
-Lithiumania = here: a fantasized country with rich Lithium mines

The wonder here & yonder

As we watch the sky
beyond the crowds
wonder how & why
the racing clouds

In ceaseless encore
the ocean waves
keep crashing onshore
to rousing raves

The horizon
edges the ocean
no surprise in
nature made motion

O, the wonder
here & yonder