Eager to get back to normality
where venality had turned banality
where normality was feudality
the by The Elite imposed modality?
We must refuse to rebuild a society
of such inequality & anxiety!
Not Poetry. Quatrain Verse in English & Swedish. Dagsverser. On the Mundane & the Arcane.
Poems in English
Eager to get back to normality
where venality had turned banality
where normality was feudality
the by The Elite imposed modality?
We must refuse to rebuild a society
of such inequality & anxiety!
Yes, him: Grim
mean dim Eric
slim, bit prim?
Adverse to prose
stuck on verse?
Yes, kind of those
with rhymes terse
But if finding his Quatrain too arcane
who stops you switching to Prose’s loose reins lane?
Back then:
“When the going got tough the tough got going”
These days:
When the going just feels tough
us cowards start shooing!
Watch us hiding in a huff
in inaction stewing
We’ve been indulging in such ‘quick-fix’ galore
since long and so far in 2024
Blown in Twitter storm
amidst benign bloopers
howling locust swarm
of goosestep storm troopers
Under guise of virus relief
they’re bent on making the sky darken
up to their usual mischief
hoping we’re too busy to harken
The Power Elite doesn’t work for our protection
nevertheless we whimper in genuflection
before the virus pounced
would we be in ‘house arrests’?
Life as we knew it trounced?
While for scientists problematic
since turned inept & erratic
by boastful meddling trumplematic
while his base cheers on ecstatic!
Of such noble creed & greed
how come ‘leadership’ lackluster?
Why won’t this Virus pay heed
to blaming, bully & bluster?
While humans poorly embrace
uncertainty iniquitous
forced to stoutheartedly face
our misgivings ubiquitous
Whether Covid-19
or Climate Collapse
slow down or turned routine
or raucous relapse
While seldom do few seconds elapse
when we’re spared marketing & wiretaps
with outcomes looming unclear
both unhinged & unforgiving
when we ‘converse’ by bronx cheer
Best not resort to piety
nor indulging propriety:
Just hold that leash short & tight
or she’ll run wild, Anxiety!
On darkening path of blight
below clouds of dubiety
in midst of bathetic prattle
Now, who would have guessed?
Found dead, travel attired
clutching to his chest
Swedish passport expired
The world had once been his to roam
died a wizened homebody gnome
We allow little latitude
while stingy on encomium
As plenty persons’ rectitude
prove brittle like chromium
In such numbers
among us
they lumber
While few those marching erect
on Life’s path proudly perfect
Earth of such bounty & beauty
we reduced it to mere booty
Don’t we fake most everything
traipsing on the brink of collapse
while fantasy worshiping
subjects us to bizarre relapse?
Out of touch with Life’s essence
we hasten Earth’s senescence
We’re wringing out our own life
while striving to be ‘safe’
in blind, self-entitled strife
neglecting the poor waif
We may find redemption
if we own up and then cease
No-let-slide exemption
fills a turmoiled heart with peace
If life entails morality
how serves us then banality?