Our view blurred while stampeding head down in the herd

“To really understand something is to be liberated from it. Humanity’s greatest ally is the self-educated individual, who has read, understood, delays their gratification, and walks around with their eyes wide open.” ― Ross Ashcroft

It got out of hand
got us captivated
if we’d understand
we’d be liberated

But such a detachment (by other word)
can’t happen while we stampede in the herd

Too burdensome an act having to look up a fact?

Were we only wilful
but gotten pompous, prideful
(while albeit skillful)
supercilious, spiteful

Ignorance is far from bliss
When we stare in to the abyss
facing Death’s contagious kiss
affections gone gravely amiss

Still to look up all facts
applying logic, fairness
are such burdensome acts
risking tinged by awareness

Why be bothered taking time to reflect
when prefer to just accept or reject?

Virus Justice

‘Leaders’ now talk about the Covid-19 struggle as ‘war’. If so – a long overdue change from the gruesome practice throughout history of sending the very young out to fight & die. Fairer now when the old folks at home become the casualties. Still what remains the outrage is how ‘essential’ workers (many poorly paid with few benefits & poorly protected) are sent out to work & die.

In most wars the young
were sent out to perish
most often unsung
or cheered with praise garish

The old folks at home jingoistic
of soldiers horrors euphemistic

Now in the Covid ‘war’
with its surreptitious gore
Lady Justice keeps score
shredding such mythical lore

Now the young live for another day
while the old folks keep dying away

Not back to that normal!

What might just have been understood
had we learnt from history
(not been hoodwinked by Hollywood
or engaged in sophistry):

We must slow the back-to-normal urge
for were it even feasible
would be no solution, merely surge
something purely appeasable

As the erstwhile normal was the cause
for the Covid wake-up call, of course

Not discrete. Together, and just plain effete

We grind in daily strife absurd
opaque our faith & locus
Reality banned, vision blurred
all jarringly out of focus

We’re distracted by games of fantasy
with noses on screens ubiquitous
sunken in political apathy
to power elite obsequious

As we woefully bray
behind foul a bellwether
aren’t we deserving prey
to perish all together?

While we’re presuming to be discreet
aren’t we’re all just cowering effete?

What humans, weren’t we demented, might have prevented

As we blew the chance of controlling
the Virus from gaining traction
When copped out on masking, patrolling
Mother Earth took cogent action:

She let the Virus do for its survival
what Humans ought to have done for its own
Failing to learn from our Species revival
we’re left pretending: ‘How could we have known’?

Yet again the Price of Neglect rarely
gets imposed timely but always fairly

Empty words galloping in wild herds

I’m tired of debating
even just discussing
discord turns deflating
finding all nonplussing

My words stream
yell & scream

Too many empty words
keep rattling along
galloping in wild herds
they just don’t belong

Worn out finding myself discordant
so pursuing where I’m concordant


While our attention is elsewhere

Gained quite the stage presence
that Virus wily & vile
Might its omnipresence
the Power Elite beguile

as trade-off to crisis protracted
when our attention got distracted?

Stole away our concentration
on workplace exploitations
on our climate abdication
on cruel deportations

Elbowed out our awareness
of corporate giveaways
societal unfairness
injustice in too many ways

Rarely been better times
for scamming & high crimes

Leap gallantly, gladly!

If we hide in a comfy niche
we’ll fade attenuated
risking wake up wet in a ditch
pretty humiliated

While mired in same old rut
tempting to staying put
stuck obligated

So why grin in stale attire?
Let’s dress to our heart’s desire!

True change is implacable
trade-offs it shall extract
often proves intractable
with long lasting impact

So leap gallantly, gladly
or we’ll forgo Life badly!

Undiscerning Nation overturning

Whether of faith or agnostic
we flounder in Expiring Empire
Of human collapse prognostic
sped on by greed, covid & gunfire

Those propagandized still exude
a world outlook simplistic
Frantically they self delude
pious, proto-fascistic

and for all they claim to have the Godly answers
aren’t they a bunch of round-the-Golden-Calf dancers?