Society’s fabric keeps rending, with slim efforts made of mending

Lunatic lies unending
narrative paths twisted
both facts & logic bending
evasions enlisted

Do we prefer lies outrageous
to mere reality obstruction?
In these troubled times contagious
which do offer foremost distraction?

Hard to see a happy ending
to such abomination
Society’s fabric rending
soon falls ‘civilization’!

Meantime more ‘fun’ a neo-fascist autocrat
than some smart, informed, honest, social democrat


… but will we lead a worthwhile life?

If we want to get along
mouth only the mundane
and if we want to belong
stray not in the arcane!

Let others spout their opinion
and just pretend to listen
Act the sycophantic minion
smile, best if our eyes glisten

Avoid these words to get along:
‘ascetic’ & ‘poetic’
Apply in order to belong:
‘athletic’ & ‘cosmetic’

Voice only the prosaic
like ‘we get warm by burning coal’
avoid ‘photovoltaic’
Above all do not bare our soul!

Thus we’ll evade some risk & strife
but will we lead a worthwhile life?

When the ego struts tall, the greater its fall

Posting on Internet’s boulder
our stale jokes from hapless heart
while little we care to shoulder
is neither kind, brave or smart

All wrapped around our own
with the ego puffed up tall
nonsense filling our phone
outrageous our naive gall

Oblivious & headstrong
quite heedless of our affliction
merely keeps muddling headlong
largely by lack of conviction

By all means, if we must, act the wag
but please, spare us being such a drag!


A mindless barter

People already hapless
buy phones ever smarter
which turns them ever sapless
What a mindless barter!

Never learnt to navigate
so by voice command dialing
let GPS cogitate
On-screen found oh-so beguiling!

Never mind that crisp phones resplendent
make humans ever more dependent …

He’s always the victim, says they tricked him

While spared Life’s worst bludgeons
our decrepit curmudgeon
one of many gudgeons
drowning himself in dudgeon

Claims others kick & trick him
he’s ends up the poor victim!

If at times duplicitous
he would loudly lament
Seldom seen solicitous
or rarely heard repent

Little thought to others given
been unable to discern
how self-occupied and driven
for others lacking concern

Oblivious in his own smugness
blames others for his lack of snugness

Leave Topanga!

This verse was first written in 2018 for my son Matt, who was then living through droughts & wildfires in Topanga, amidst the marked decline of the United States. In 2020 Matt moved to Sweden, where his father is from.

Trust in your guts & brains
take your leave from Topanga
find a ‘sane’ place with rains
but don’t retrace to Tonga

as The Islands getting hotter
long since Garden of Eden
not long until under water
While you’re welcome in Sweden

Faint prescience is all it takes
plus aptitude for a new language
So why wait to pull up the stakes
why wallow in anomie anguish?

-Tonga = a South Pacific island nation, to where Matt’s great grandparents emigrated (from Sweden before WW1 and where his grandfather spent his childhood
-Topanga, CA = just outside Los Angeles

Threadbare the gleam of the American Dream, turning nightmare

While the rich get wealthier
with tax breaks, bailed outright even
they get so being stealthier
entitlement they believe in

While the permanent underclass
has throughout history been struggling
this poor willfully ignored mass
needs for its daily needs be juggling

Still: Beyond roof over heads & food on their tables
rich & poor alike indulge sports & celeb fables

We uniquely deserve a handout!

We do deserve a handout
our plight of course sui generis
Awaiting our next bailout
so make it quick & generous!

As we’re selling lipstick
we implore & ask
as we all have a shtick:
Please, don’t wear a mask!

Or wear one of see-through type plastic
would support our business fantastic!

-bailout = Covid 19 $$ compensation
-sui generis = unique; not like anyone or anything else