Erstwhile hope fervent that technology would become our servant

Find myself apprehensive
of disruptive technology
its claimed blessings ostensive
trade-offs bring no apology

Since ages human hope has been fervent
naively over-optimistic
that technology would be our servant
Now we toil, its slaves fatalistic

Inescapably in its fetters
robbed of last chance of defiance
now also as its hapless debtors
in fine-print, rigged non-compliance

This time we shall have no revolution
that saves us from Species’ execution

Is the purpose of life just for life to go on?

From mere species viewpoint we’ve failed
if we think in terms of right or wrong
while Big D has got it nailed:
It’s just a matter of going on!

The Big D bestows ceaseless strife
singly we just don’t matter
Humans among all planet’s life
bore Big D with their natter

Doesn’t care for how any one of us exists
just as long as planetary life persists

-Big D = The Divine

We could have mitigated. Instead we abdicated

There’s no longer much stretch left
of our Species’ narrowing path
which, had we back then been deft,
could’ve used to brake the planet’s wrath

Instead we caused Earth to crumble
by our consumption willful
Recklessly kept up in rumble
our feigned ignorance skillful

Unwilling to restrain
we decided to downplay
Little time shall remain
until our Species’ doomsday

Our shuffling so far in dismal dance
assures that our Species stands no chance

Ruggedly unconnected, disaffected

There ain’t no society
among folks ‘hubristic’
it’s just a variety
of those ‘narcissistic’

Their ‘rugged individualism’
which they so me-firstly cherish
constitutes no defense mechanism
Unlike some others they’ll perish:

all alone, disaffected
ruggedly unconnected

A Sixth Mass Extinction, now really?

If you insist go right ahead! Be my guest! Just don’t involve us!

Well, aren’t you persistent
it did happened in the past
may in future distant
But we would still be miscast!

For should it happen in the present
we’d rather stay unaffected!
Such a tiresome & irksome event
must out of hand be rejected!

We avoid things unnerving
enabling us to glide along
on our life path unswerving
no worry until our swan song

Until then we prefer rush headlong
heedlessly, unblushingly headstrong!

-Sixth Mass Extinction = Over the last half-billion years, life on Earth has been nearly wiped out five times. It’s happening right now for the sixth time. Let’s give ourselves a big hand for so splendidly helping it along this time around!


Trying not to offer opinions unprompted!

Who would unprompted share
one’s fact-grounded opinions
let heart & mind laid bare
to cliché-spouting minions?

Would that not be to squander
what is for each quintessential
in a frivolous yonder
tangential to life essential?

Unless someone appears sincerely to ask
might we not prefer in a limelight to bask