Dancing to them, we are!

Images careening off keel
out-of-breath pitches twisted
in frenzied & frantic appeal
Any restraint resisted

Our attention usurped, wrested
in hugely bumped up gumption
Their vapid claims unattested
brought on in slick presumption

These ads of billions of dollars
bring neither rhyme or reason
just keep pouncing in crisp colors
Dance or consumer treason!

When speech & image
vile, while opaque
still pounce & scrimmage:
Time to awake!

The glassy ‘new normal’

“As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.” – H.L. Mencken

If Mencken is right then democracy has by now been perfected in the U.S., thus:

Screen-augmented monomania
White House megalomania
Crass corporate kleptomania
Pervasive mythomania

Narratives declarative
the abnormal dressed up formal
while outright imperative:
Such is the glassy ‘new normal’

Swallowed in mindless frivolity
amidst decaying life quality

Indelibly branded with reputations stranded?

Once we begin to label
people, situations
they’ll turn simplistic fable
drawing allegations

An opinion in a blink
demands our chiding or sainting
without bothering to think
could prove indelibly tainting

‘Evil’ found irreversible
seen as beyond redemption
while ‘Good’ always traversable
fragrant without exemption

But at times don’t ‘good’ people seem buffoonish
while ‘evil’ people benignly cartoonish?


On path unswerving, well deserving …

Behind plush home compound’s locks
stacked portfolio of stocks

and in the driveway
a monstrous vehicle
true to the cliche

Enthroned sitting high up
me, entitled little elf
on my cell, with my pup
looking well after myself

On path unswerving
how well deserving!

Our sidewalks replete, while busy courting South China Sea defeat

That citizens sleep on sidewalks
engenders but little compassion
while belligerent China hawks
are in exceptionalist fashion

To send our young crisply uniformed
endowed by ‘defense’ budget bloat
amidst cheers by public uninformed
to sally beyond our own moat

Billions squandered sparring in the South China Sea
by a ‘civilized’ nation … how can it still be?!

Science causes our Covid compliance fatigue

From inconvenience
(as we lack calm resilience)
do grant us lenience!
Let’s rely on own brilliance!

Amidst all impertinent tasks
we’re joined strong in resistance
to those ‘steam up my glasses’ masks
and keeping 6 ft distance!

Those demands imposed on us like blitzkrieg!
Honor our fatigue! Unfair the intrigue!

The Power Elite offers cruel quips while The Poor lose their tenuous grips

Getting to take the backseat
on a vehicle of success
ain’t lounging in a box seat
or being gifted some largesse

The Poor do slide off the pillion
when Elite does a wheelie
who ‘earn’ yet another billion
throttling entitled, freely

The Power Elite
who rarely feels contrite
expresses its conceit:
“The Poor should’ve held on tight!”

As The Poor fall off on Life’s ride
the Elite takes it in their stride

-pillion = here: a small cushion-like passenger seat of a motorbike