Avoid petty transactions, dumb distractions

Sloth congeals the erstwhile heart tender
when mired in petty transactions
misses out on Life’s wondrous splendor
dissipates in dumb distractions

So dare go for that fling
pull hard the bow’s string
decline that gadget thing
avoid the Right Wing

Don’t thoughtlessly conform
or recklessly barnstorm!

May be by a next pedal stroke I’ll turn woke?

Out on my bike pedaling

I do my best thinking
although won’t be medaling
mostly rinky-dinking

But still by a next pedal stroke
I may find myself in vogue
by having finally turned woke
tired out from being such rogue

And we can’t all have a proclivity
for theories of relativity …

“It came to me while riding my bicycle”, said Albert Einstein about his Theory of Relativity

Pedaling below Spring’s trees pendulous

Under tire in front
at cheerful clip
goes the hurried hunt
for pavement strip

Gliding below trees pendulous
bestows us joy eternal
pedaling in Spring blessedness
hugged by miracle vernal

In peace of heart & mind
beyond most other kind

Well adjusted in societies gone busted? How’s that?

What is there really to vaunt
in a society busted?
Do we really want to flaunt
that we pretend we’ve adjusted?

Are we not more like in ’39
when the propagandized Nazi
thought ‘Im Vaterland ist alles fein!’
In denial we can not see

Now like then not merely inane
we’ve gone absolutely insane

Scamming us feckless fools

Always blameless
seeks acclaim
He is shameless
grabbing fame

The grotesque Prez of Deception
improvises how he rules
this vain Nation of Exception
Let’s us be scammed feckless fools

Our insight fogged dimmed & courage slipped slim
he gets away with what we allow him

“It is inevitable that for the final show we vomited a grotesque figure like Trump.” – Chris Hedges

Must not just bear & grin

Earthly life is to suffer
impervious to spin
so we have to act tougher
not merely bear & grin

As keeping on wailing
of ‘leaders’ brutal
clearly unavailing
a routine futile

Unless we deal with this raw deal
our life shall remain an ordeal


The Pandemic, the final push over into Cataclysm

“The pandemic has shown us that most people don’t really have the sustained capacity for this type of cataclysm” – Matt Sundin

Each time on the gas we let up
we thought ‘got away, splendid!’
but just yet another set-up
for getting re-rear-ended

Pandemic by complaints unmoved
as harbors zero feelings
thus cannot ever feel reproved
for any of its dealings

It is clearly ain’t open to polemic
when tailgating us the wily pandemic

edited 01/23/22 1610