To a grandchild entering college

She knows her mind
her convictions strong
her heart beats kind
discerns right from wrong

Sweet as sound of dulciana
warm as Summer wind in Havana
crisp as Winter in Montana:
That would be our wondrous Anna!

Better known for compassion
than icon of high fashion

Hesperia in grip of hysteria

Among Lands of Hesperia
elites in the DC area
as well in they Bay Area
they are all gripped by hysteria

Blinded by hypocrisy
people fooled we’ve democracy
while owned by plutocracy
and ruled by kakistocracy

While out of touch with reality
thinking somehow we’re praiseworthy
we bask in heedless hyperbole
telling others they’re blameworthy

In that ‘shining city on the hill’
conceited we carry on at will!

Starved of conversation?

If you hunger for conversation
shall ‘customer service’ phrases
(in copious canned aggravation)
restore the art to good graces?

Rather than a slipshod stroll
mongst hackneyed words teeming
don’t we want to fill our soul
with something redeeming?

What might punctured phrases instill
beyond piling up as word fill?

-conversation = a talk, especially an informal one, between two or more people, in which news and ideas are exchanged – with emphasis on ‘exchanged’

On treating a sovereign nation like a petulant child

Pugnacious like Prussia
claim Western Values saviors
drab, aggressive Russia
steeped deep in misbehavior

She’s referred to as petulant
in US media news
condescendingly prevalent
in repetitive abuse

Russia is overarmed
unless she disarms
states the U.S. alarmed
with ten times her arms

Russia needs a thorough spanking
Let’s bravely sanction its banking!

How shrillness electronic made stillness anachronic

Wondrous solace of stillness
eludes us without fail
when electronic shrillness
pierces through nature’s veil

Might one of those clueless clods
(who with such hapless abandon
plugs in their stylish ear pods)
find for Net surfing a stand-in?

How without stillness & solitude
shall we re-connect with rectitude?

Hat trick

Sam, a 17 y.o. grandson, did a ‘hat trick’:

There was this footballer named Sam
who swiftly went bam, bam & bam

All without a hair out place
what a cool, good looking ace

Poor goalie could not do a damn

hat trick = scoring three goals in one match


Synapses corroding
recall slowed, deferred
Memories eroding
erstwhile visions blurred

Outlook & attitude askew
injustices bewailing
Anything new brings much ado
as trains of thought derailing

Outfits, gadgets turned outmoded
Sentences humorously misheard
He grieves old manners imploded
since human folly reached the absurd

An Octogenarian
grumbling with fumbling hands
Curmudgeon contrarian
long gone grandiose plans

Now marching out of step, on course chaotic
his collar frayed, smartphone-less, quite quixotic