Some drivers go vroom when pass! Others let up on the gas!

As a cyclist I get numerous opportunities to speculate on why the drivers who pass me leave such varying space between their car and my bike:

If ego of the ‘driver ace’
is bigger than their whatever car:
Then rarely enough passing space
as such driver entitled by far

While going to be plenty room
if smaller ego than the auto:
Then passing goes smooth without vroom
unless driver on phone like blotto

But needs not cause a glitch:
If from roadway cyclists switch
to their much safer niche
of riding down in the ditch!

Teasingly she keeps us guessing

No deep love affair
or flimsy fling
shall ever compare
with that of Spring

A long awaited blessing
Spring said he’d come today
teasingly keeps us guessing
in chilly rain delay

But so what if she’s arrives late
elated, willingly we’ll wait

Tittle-tattle in Seattle

Haven’t we got quite the knack
for freely shooting the breeze
for endless boorish yak
above pizza dripping cheese?

I’d rather hold out for the arcane
hoping to get bit more evolved
than being dragged down in the mundane
by someone soundly self-involved:

Spottily bit snottily
naughtily or haughtily

Say more with less by cutting to the core

Spouting loud & prolific
those quips brought up galore
be they seldom specific
can still inflict ‘earsore’

As quips propound they obfuscate
do not frame for clarity
but contrarily dissipate
lack focus on verity

While attempts quatrain verse
to cut to the core
to speak sparsely & terse
Such contrary chore …

… to fit into rhymed space
with some semblance of grace

So what if the sky is grey or blue when busy pricing household glue?

They walk in Summer weather gorgeous beyond words (at least mine) but seems can’t refrain from ogling their smart phone screens

Roundly outsmarted by their phones
amidst billions fellow clones:

Do they watch sky’s shades of blue
listening to winds rustling leaves
while price checking household glue
or how to foil those cat food thieves?

Are their lives adhering to plans
getting soon to driving that Benz?

Wide tires look so cool

Think wide car tires look so cool
and who says they waste gas?
Should not make us vain a fool
or a science slack ass!

They’re part of our urbanity
of which tires aren’t just incidental
Not a case of mere vanity
and ain’t to others detrimental

It’s not what we actually steal
It’s all about how is makes me feel