Winged global bullies



Taking off for way up there high
Sleekly winged global bullies
their ‘spreading Freedom’ gone awry:
Creating more enemies.

Fuselage & uniforms gleaming
still each plane a deranged scorer.
While patriots cheering & beaming:
dropped bombs tear off limbs in horror.

The Nation Indispensable
turned the most reprehensible

-winged global bullies = here: B-52 bombers


Not a leader of men

I did not become that leader of men
that mighty lion roaring in his den

Not pumped up enough my ego
or perhaps lacking gumption?
Feeling too stiff in tuxedo
or bothered by compunction?

Feeling guilty of indulging
while others ail & tumble?
Loath to proclaim with chest bulging
while trying to fake humble?

Too deficient a Philistine
to travel by limousine?
Too concerned with the unforeseen
bored with intrigues Byzantine?

Or perhaps, putz
just lacking guts?

Dissent pathologized, nothing apologized

Just dismiss those with an accent
every one a malcontent!
Let’s pathologize their dissent
never justly they lament

As accountable to no one
no need to be acquitted
Does not matter what we have done
accomplished or omitted

Americans don’t apologize
nor are we ever to be blamed
We always prevail, don’t compromise
Patriots are never ashamed!

Let’s always take this stand
against all critique:
Dismiss it out of hand
or bespeaks we’re weak

-apologize = “I will never apologize for the United States. I don’t care what the facts are. I’m not an apologize-for-America kind of guy” – President George H W Bush
-we = here: patriotic, jingoistic Americans

Tempted by opportunity who may proclaim immunity?

Can’t be kind or sentimental
dressed up in our power suit
we must display ‘metal mettle’
empowered to act the brute

Focus on what’s at stake:
To make profits shine
grabbing all we can take
boosts the bottom line!

Swimming with opportunity
while prodded by peer pressure
who can pretend immunity
from turning rabid thresher?

But beware! The greed on Wall Street
is the greed in our own heart
So as we darkly scheme & cheat
ain’t no excuse blame we’re smart

Face when poorly we pay heed
(restraint of course, we dread)
that a heart consumed by greed
won’t stand us in good stead!

With beheadings no collateral deaths

When death by beheading
just the targets die
No bystander shredding
when children’s limbs fly

Nor any hospital wrecking
cultural desiccation
drone obliterated wedding
whole country devastation

Mass killings industrialized
by U.S. Exceptionalism
propagandized as ‘civilized’
though slaughter by Imperialism

Casualties mere ‘collateral’
when by Western Technology
While ‘war crime’ by Those Fanatical
of differing ethnology

Still each death an execution
under whatever delusion
In one by one retribution
or in conveyor profusion

Worse than Hitler?

No one may be a belittler
of the Evils brought by Hitler!

Still what is now holding sway
in ignorance fabled
to History’s sheer dismay
others are now labeled:

Like Hitler! Not like but worse
claim elites Americanized!
Unhinged, untenable curse
lie kept alive propagandized

Amidst whirling dust we grovel

In their owned world bright & novel
gallop swift equestrians
while in whirling dust we grovel
us plodding pedestrians!

While letting ourselves be kicked at
allowing us to be fooled
now under corporate diktat
we are all, profit fueled, ruled

Allow me state it to you straight:
Change now irreversibly late!

-equestrians = here: the power elite, i.e. oligarchs, big corporations, wall street, military-industrial-surveillance, main stream media & their handmaiden politicians

Spreading Freedom & Democracy

(Written in 2014 after the US sponsored Maidan ‘regime change’ coup):

Now in Eastern Ukraine:

In Donetsk & Luhansk oblast
indiscriminate shellings
Western media not aghast
though hit hospitals, dwellings:

Local life & culture defaced
while thousands killed, millions displaced

Soon again in the Gaza Strip:

Time again. It is a
‘mowing of the lawn’
in defenseless Gaza
by IOF ‘brawn’

Like Freedom & Democracy inflicted on Iraq:

When phosphorus, uranium depleted
obliterated ancient Fallujah
by U.S. Empire in war crimes conceited:
Once again Freedom spreads, Hallelujah!

Industrial slaughters by design
while the world looks the other way
Failing help from Providence Divine
hapless civilians the main prey

-Fallujah = dates from Babylonian times. White phosphorus bombs & depleted uranium shells were used by U.S., British & Iraqi forces under the command of General James Mattis in Nov 2004
-IOF = ‘IDF’ (Israel Defense Forces) a misnomer; rather the ‘IOF’ (Israel Occupying Forces)
-‘moving the lawn’ = Israeli policy phrase for the ‘degrading’ of Gaza every few years

Enough specious words

Overseas millions killed, maimed
Their plight we belittle
concern rarely even feigned
to change noncommittal

Worn narrative straining
nation’s honor stained
In an empire waning
integrity sprained

The President’s smooth hollow words
just shows up paralysis
whether on climate, jobs or Kurds
Bring on urinalysis:

Enough specious words
by Ivy League nerds!

-president = written originally under Obama
-urinalysis = here: to identify those ‘high’ on Imperial hubris

Can’t take the heat? Get up & off the side walk grate!