A Nation tripped up on its shortcuts

Surely you have noticed how many pedestrians insist on crossing busy streets diagonally after not being bothered walking to an adjacent street corner or crosswalk? Behavior that puts others at risk be damned if we can save a few steps – even absurdly so when out walking or running for exercise!

Not in this Homeland Star Spangled
crossing streets, or at corners
do we ever walk right-angled
That’s for rigid foreigners!

In ‘One Nation under Shortcuts’
diagonally we proudly cross
whether for dire needs or donuts
We’re, as freedom lovers, our own boss!

We dash out between parked cars
into the busy street
without a ‘look left-right’ pause
with nose on screen or eat!

Except when marching off martially
poor small weakly armed nations to mangle
which is done globally, most harshly
Then our troops turn smartly in right angle!

Verbal sabre rattling

“All options are on the table!”
Beltway adulterated
phrase, a repeated worn fable
brainwashed, acculturated

Elite chattering
with scrounged-up oompf
in self-flattering
here goes, harrumph:

Blurting the same old canned phrase
(like talking dolls with battery)
piling on Empire’s proud praise
amidst harsh weapons clattery

Virtuous Officialdom
sure to expunge Evil
They stand up for Christendom
and Freedom’s Retrieval!

Those hard toiling ribboned Elite elves
they simply just cannot help themselves

ribboned = here: honored with service ribbons, medals, awards etc