“All options are on the table!”

That not so veiled U.S. threat
of militant action
dim term but still Beltway’s pet
while crises gain traction

But aren’t those ‘options’ always
foregone on the table?
Restless warhorses upraise
to bolt from the stable:

Galloping for regime change
as Empire’s fables derange!

Grass greener but the dog meaner?

While the grass is thought to be greener
on the other side of the fence
the barking dog there may be meaner
How do such fantasies make sense?

The Human Race is in dire distress
because we constantly want more
Always way too willing to aggress
so we can further up our score

Mired in constant complaint
as we know not constraint


While to own profits adherent

‘The Orange Ego Coddler’
in policy incoherent
A vainglorious toddler

The ‘Stable Genius’ despot
ignorant & feckless
How he spouts without respite
a Demagogue reckless!

He untiringly trumps up ‘tantrumps’
amidst golf at casino sanctums

-stable genius = Trump has self-diagnosed as an ‘extremely stable genius’
-tantrump = (license) tantrum by Trump

Free fall

MSM’s faux storytelling
& Wall Street’s greedy windfall
hasten Empire’s unraveling
tripping us into free fall

The violence visited upon
the outer edges of the Realm
has come home resoundingly foregone
regardless of who’s at the helm

Harsh havoc caused on those ‘small countries grungy’
snapped back in Empire’s face as if by bungee

Precedentially Presidential

At first they were both derided
for appearing quite misguided

Off to such weak start
both Trump & Bush
mere blips on the charts
Then without blush …

… they chose (absent all qualms)
path precedential
which: Drop missiles & bombs
get ‘Presidential’!

Patriots are now deferential
of their new leaders quintessential!


No Camelot he or his lot

His looks sallow carotene
that shamelessly lying brawler
a sick psyche philistine
in pursuit of that next dollar

Utterly Orwellian
but that’s not by far all
a shameless chameleon
with heart and hands too small

Still those who got him elected
feel elated not dejected

Of Latin insight let’s not be wear

Now longer ‘esse quam videri’
but rather the other way around
Of ancient wisdom we have grown weary
not letting others’ insight confound

These days largely perception
now ‘seem’ equals ‘to be’, truly!
Keeping up the deception
displaying presumption coolly

Be a showoff and act headstrong
and they may not suspect you’re wrong!

-esse quam videri = ‘to be, rather than to seem (to be)’

Meet life’s fool, hubristic & often the victim

Be that as it may here’s to those of us who may be lacking in self-awareness. How & when shall we know? Well, here obviously lies the problem: Only after we acquire some self-awareness.

Meet Life’s Fool
thinks he’s cool
Such jewel
lets us drool

Sillily, grinning
he’s on a tear
“For sure, yeah, winning!”
confident cheer

He saunters, skipping
down the boardwalk:
“Who’s tripping, slipping
talk of cakewalk!”

Then walks on to the pier
thinks “No one hotter
I’m the guy to revere
walking on water!”

In Summer sun’s bright glare
all blindingly clear
embraced by fawning air
“I’m untouched by fear!”

“No way I’m compromising
got it all handled, thanks!”
His eyes fixed on horizon:
so he walks off the planks!

Wild curses from waves below
indignant voice in snort:
“How was I supposed to know?
Who built the pier too short?!”