Escaping from what? Searching for what?

In every port city
blown above ship hulls
eerily the ‘ditty’
of screeching seagulls

Thus welcomed the seafarer
who soon senses constrain
and the Sea, the ensnarer,
lures him back to its reign

So with eyes teary
sailors depart mournful
of port nights weary
of landlubbers scornful


‘Reality Show’ Democracy

Blustering bully clown
the unhinged ‘junker’
Trump just won’t hunker down
in White House bunker

but carries on conceited
in full blown narcissism
indulges in untreated
racism, neo-fascism

His volcanic vanity
pounds in profanity
Incessant inanity
sprains human sanity

‘Reality Show’ Democracy
bestowed on us: Kakistocracy!

-junkers = the landed ‘nobility’ in Prussia. their great estates (in Trump’s case: golf resorts, hotels & casinos) are worked by those with few rights
-kakistocracy = government by the vile & worst, least qualified or most unscrupulous citizens (from Greek kakistos: worst)

Are Human Species character flaws beyond redress?

Do our character flaws
whatever the cause
detract like tearing jaws
or mere scratching paws?

Flaws shall keep us estranged
make us seem deranged
and while feeling shortchanged
still persist unchanged

Human Nature unruly
which we ought but abhor
it keeps us ensnared cruelly
Just doesn’t work to ignore

Keeps persisting immutably
while doing so inscrutably

Suffering no mere antics crossing our own Atlantics

Piercing, plaintive
shrieks of lone seagulls
faint, complaintive
such eerie earfuls

Beneath graphite clouds
on fierce waves metal grey
we’re tightening shrouds
while drenched in lashing spray

Rolling, pitching pinned
on old ship rusty
drifting sideways, downwind
in gale bursts gusty

With hollow hope, we wail
hearts pounding, bones chill
frantically we bail
while bilges still fill

Thus we’re crossing our own Atlantic
getting worn out in pumping frantic


OK not getting what we want – as long as we don’t get what we might deserve

Annoyed in silence we sulk
with feeling have been offended
Perhaps glad at chance to skulk
mope in victimhood pretended?

Feel we’re not being treated right?
What if we are?! Here’s what ought unnerve:
imagine how severe our plight
if receive what we rightly deserve

when we’re lashing out at every ‘offense’
in thin-skinned, callow, ego-fueled pretense!

victimhood = the kind that declares that “if I feel like a victim then I am a victim”

Gushing feelgood rush

Splendidly gallop our horses
below glimmer of sabers
in bravely fought lost good causes
thus found stillborn our labors

While briefly providing
gushing feelgood rush
way too soon subsiding
that compelling crush

Thusly often runs the course
of many a ‘noble’ cause

Did not take in stride that I lost my stride

Only found out yesteryear
when soaked by waves of fears
when it became crystal clear
that I’ve been old for years

Had already lost my stride
long before realized
had turned oversized my pride
which by then ossified

Been trying hard to hide
that I then replied
with “I take it in stride!”
Well, back then I lied

Slammed, at last, the door on my Past!

My worn mind kept on churning
jaws clenched in face paling
ears & cheeks hotly burning
relived every failing

Aged humiliations amassed
kept The Now cruelly harassed

I could not bear in time left
to be held captive by The Past
Then, at last, found strength to heft
rebelled in too long suppressed blast!

Since having tamed The Past iniquitous
The Now been blossoming ubiquitous


Have we become too easily offended, too mired in victimhood?

Rectitude fades vestigial
forlornly residual
Scraps mightily effigial
get scattered quadrivial

Erstwhile patience gone vitriolic
lost in victimhood distended
The trivial turns hyperbolic
by tripwire we claim offended!

What if we tried act convivial
might then our lives feel less trivial?

victimhood = here: ‘victim mentality’, an acquired personal or cultural trait in which a person tends to see themselves as a victim and to behave as if this were the case even in the face of clear evidence to the contrary


Dead eyes glazed

Jaded eyes cast about, aquiline

of many a drug derelict
for anything hinting anodyne
that’s the focus of the addict

Closed minds dazed
snorting a line
dead eyes glazed
how asinine

fleeting the magic
in drugged lives tragic

aquiline = here: hooked