I’m indulging Life with cupboards, debt & midriff bulging

Rushing is so much fresh fun
as ‘my sweet life’ has just started
must have a great rat race run
for which I’ll fight lionhearted

Life ought not ask anything from me
exect to enjoy indulging!
Just love staying busy, can’t you see
cupboards, debt & midriff bulging

Out of breath, speech smattered
need to somehow find more time!
Heart & mind all scattered
got no time to waste on rhyme!

What traffic?

Din of metal pushing through air
nostrils flared from tail pipe spew
Tires squealing, engines roar, horns blare
as traffic mounts tempers brew

Snug in ‘my cell phone booth on wheels’
who bothers about traffic?
Electronic Heaven appeals
am perfectly seraphic!

Til someone cuts me off of course
purloined civility shorn
then I turn deep-rootedly coarse
hanging dumbly on the horn

metal = here: vehicles

Din of dim dinner

An exercise in civility?
No, we opt for instant reprieve
devolves in wordy futility
from ‘Holy’ takes decisive leave

Yield to that gut surging pull
again cheaply thrilling
to chomp beyond feeling full
of slumming in swilling?

In what lies the attraction
of gorging & natter
of shattering distraction
din of verbal clatter?


Life’s unrivaled antic

Up the rose strewn trail scented

rushes the frantic fool
dizzy, common sense dented
like a kid out of school

We’re unfazed
hasty, dazed
our eyes glazed
all sense razed

Aroused to love romantic
what thrilling perception
our life’s unrivaled antic
of passion, deception

A game by a Creator ‘demented’
assures new generations tormented


Her searching glances sweep the room like a lighthouse beam sweeps the dark sea. Precariously contained in a dress much like the walls of a brimming vessel, she is abundant life incarnate. Her long, cast back, blonde hair flows like a ripe wheat field in a fair breeze. Her lightheartedness belies her single minded determination to plumb the depths of every admirer’s promise, courage and enterprise.

She’s wrapped in haute couture
a mere distractive detour
as with purloined demure
she’s all exigent allure

So if you can’t withstand seduction
your fallback may be harm reduction

-harm reduction = a public health strategy that was developed initially for adults for whom additction abstinence does not seem feasible

Jetting off by plan, yet fretting again?

Decision making worth not one iota
wobbling, am yet again straddling the fence
Long since depleted my green house gas quota
The same old dead end dance: Ambivalence

Why another near speed of sound detour
thirty thousand feet above the ground?
Tell me, what’s conceivably the allure?
In Life where am I really bound?

Am no longer a sightseer
as found the ‘there’ over there
would no more enrich or endear
than does the ‘here’ back home here

So there, er, here!

Is impatience the slave to a mind scattered?

Though abundance never suffices
its pursuit seems never to cease
The allure still prods & entices
despite only restraint grants peace

The self’s ceaseless rebellion
rules in full out attack
The ego is the hellion
playing up to the claque

Impatience seems the slave
to the mind scattered
chases us to the grave
as lives blown tattered

Mind scatters downwind?

My tepid thoughts shiver
Its conclusions quiver

Then like light squall
sweeping gust
in fleeting thrall
comes distrust

Gathering breeze
brings a chill
more ill at ease
than ill will

Is my mind chagrined
by happenstance
scattering downwind
by circumstance?

Or just dueling with dementia
while distracted by dyslexia?


Such is the life of the drunken sailor

Once young, when in Djibouti
Life Herself in the guise
of an enchanting beauty
gave him her deep well eyes

But she feigned not giving a hootie
when while blushing he praised her wrap
She pretended coy, cool & snooty
flustered, he could only tip his cap

Callow, thought he’d been rejected
so he told himself: retreat!
To a dive bar he defected
to nurse his awkward defeat

Under blistering sun in zenith
back later aboard his freighter
with in his sweltering bunk beneath
hangover on the equator

Once again hoists anchor his ship
such is life of the drunken sailor:
Off on another lonely trip
he sails away as his own jailer

-Djibouti = a port on the southern entrance to the Red Sea
-freighter = cargo ship

Flotsam windswept, left in wake, as wept

Watch the ephemeral waves
on oceans eternal
those wary warrior braves
their persistence vernal

Days raced in the froth of my youth
like driven waves, white capping
while now I’m a laggardly sleuth
usually caught napping

Am a poseur among knaves
a most tiresome recluse
one who cowers from the waves
pushing pretexts profuse

Flotsam on stormy ocean
oblivious, obtuse
swept in howling commotion
in existence abstruse