Two decades later: Bush2 is The One!

A puzzling precedent
when the Elites coalesce
round a past President
and craftily reassess:

Ain’t Bush2, the Iraq war criminal,
well on way on his own road liminal?

liminality = (Latin līmen: a threshold) is the quality of ambiguity that occurs in the middle stage of a rite of passage, when participants no longer hold their pre-ritual status but have not yet begun the transition to the status they will hold when the rite is complete

When weakens solidarity, then widens polarity

Mass media propagandistic
in a nation feudalistic
exaggerates threats terroristic
make us serfs cheer jingoistic

While deeply stirred by populism
we’re held back by cynicism
mightily fearing socialism
truly preferring tourism

When sacking solidarity
we live in barbarity
in punishing polarity
dispatched to disparity

Our cheers ring out chauvinistic
that’s amongst us nativistic

I’ll take a free shot for my health – but only if I get a shot at $ wealth!

Written when the promotional idea for vaccination was floated that people taking a Covid shot should be automatically enrolled in a $ lottery.

“A shot for my health
why my concern?
But for my own wealth
that I discern!”

Won’t Public Health by $ lottery
sadly show up our souls as watery?

By refusing vaccination
we lack solidarity
in communal abdication
clueless insularity

“It’s freedom
to be a bum
Te Deum
jabs, who need ’em?”

While we can’t let it be our lot
to humor this kind of crackpot?

Avoid petty transactions, dumb distractions

Sloth congeals the erstwhile heart tender
when mired in petty transactions
misses out on Life’s wondrous splendor
dissipates in dumb distractions

So dare go for that fling
pull hard the bow’s string
decline that gadget thing
avoid the Right Wing

Don’t thoughtlessly conform
or recklessly barnstorm!

May be by a next pedal stroke I’ll turn woke?

Out on my bike pedaling

I do my best thinking
although won’t be medaling
mostly rinky-dinking

But still by a next pedal stroke
I may find myself in vogue
by having finally turned woke
tired out from being such rogue

And we can’t all have a proclivity
for theories of relativity …

“It came to me while riding my bicycle”, said Albert Einstein about his Theory of Relativity