Tittle-tattle in Seattle

Haven’t we got quite the knack
for freely shooting the breeze
for endless boorish yak
above pizza dripping cheese?

I’d rather hold out for the arcane
hoping to get bit more evolved
than being dragged down in the mundane
by someone soundly self-involved:

Spottily bit snottily
naughtily or haughtily

Say more with less by cutting to the core

Spouting loud & prolific
those quips brought up galore
be they seldom specific
can still inflict ‘earsore’

As quips propound they obfuscate
do not frame for clarity
but contrarily dissipate
lack focus on verity

While attempts quatrain verse
to cut to the core
to speak sparsely & terse
Such contrary chore …

… to fit into rhymed space
with some semblance of grace

So what if the sky is grey or blue when busy pricing household glue?

They walk in Summer weather gorgeous beyond words (at least mine) but seems can’t refrain from ogling their smart phone screens

Roundly outsmarted by their phones
amidst billions fellow clones:

Do they watch sky’s shades of blue
listening to winds rustling leaves
while price checking household glue
or how to foil those cat food thieves?

Are their lives adhering to plans
getting soon to driving that Benz?

Indulging lives silly

We stop & go & turn
for hours bumper to bumper
tempers flare as we churn
Minds melting, bodies plumper

Showing for others slight concern
for fear of us being scammed
Can’t learn from what we don’t discern
with hearts chilly & minds jammed

Thus we hide away in lives silly
taking dead-end paths willy-nilly

Finds no time to ponder the wonders yonder?

‘Lack time’, we lament
but distinctions get lost
when much time misspent
searching for lowest cost

It’s such sad inertia silly
by choosy Ace Consumer
descendant from Ancient Philly
lacking vision & humor

They keep chasing all hell bent
just can’t slow, pause or relent!

Ancient Philly = the area of Philistia. These days a ‘philistine’ is a person who not only ignores all conditions of life which are not her own but also demands that the rest of humankind should fashion its mode of existence after her own

Daglig baguette som arvsrätt

I vad som kan kallas
kanske en arvsrätt
t.o.m åkallas
inom viss folkrätt:

I Frankrike ingen bagatell
att var morgon äta sej mätt
i sed djupt förankrad kulturell
på en nybakad färsk baguette

som varje morgon nationellt
bakas fullkomligt manuellt

Starved of conversation?

If you hunger for conversation
shall ‘customer service’ phrases
(in copious canned aggravation)
restore the art to good graces?

Rather than a slipshod stroll
mongst hackneyed words teeming
don’t we want to fill our soul
with something redeeming?

What might punctured phrases instill
beyond piling up as word fill?

-conversation = a talk, especially an informal one, between two or more people, in which news and ideas are exchanged – with emphasis on ‘exchanged’

On treating a sovereign nation like a petulant child

Pugnacious like Prussia
claim Western Values saviors
drab, aggressive Russia
steeped deep in misbehavior

She’s referred to as petulant
in US media news
condescendingly prevalent
in repetitive abuse

Russia is overarmed
unless she disarms
states the U.S. alarmed
with ten times her arms

Russia needs a thorough spanking
Let’s bravely sanction its banking!

“Ours is not to wonder why”. Just happy, thanks, to consume until we die

Dragoons galloped in the Light Brigade
led by incompetence, stupidity
Now another mind-boggling ‘crusade’
this one in commercial avidity:

Likewise is ‘ours not to wonder why’
when charging in reckless cupidity
ours is just to swipe the card to buy
‘Alive’ while wilting in flaccidity

A lack of reflection on blind obedience
may serve to hide in cowardly expedience

From poem ‘The Charge of the Light Brigade’ by Alfred Tennyson about the 1853 Battle of Balaclava during the Crimean War. The British light cavalry charged, due to its leader’s stupidity & incompetence, on a frontal attack right into the lowered muzzles of Russian artillery. Hence “Ours is not to wonder why. Ours is just to do or die.”