From the vapid repartee deliver me!

From those vapid repartees
please do deliver me!
None of them Life’s apogees
just annoying whoopee

So let’s not suffer such banter:
The ruckus & raves of the ranter
The meddling of the supplanter
trying out-cantillate the cantor

Those jarring voices just lessen & lambast
when I’d rather see quietude be amassed


Nature shall romp in mirth!

Could have had solidarity
rather than indignity
engaged in jocularity
rather than malignity

Our Species is lost in denial
thinking we alone in control
but shows us up as suicidal
when created our own sinkhole

But Humans falling extinct
shall rejuvenate Earth
summed up here in phrase succinct:
Nature shall romp in mirth!

Change shall not somehow just happen ‘out there’!

We keep suffering iniquity
by greedy ‘power elite’ blithe
Brutish plight predates antiquity
scythed powerless humans still writhe

Implacably each ‘people’s savior’
shall feel uniquely appointed
But let’s assess our own behavior:
We allow being exploited!

True change doesn’t somehow happen out there
but through risk filled action by ‘us’ here

No longer allowed for a fact to get into the act

Aren’t facts just too complicated, taking too much time & effort to uncover & verify? Do I need anyone to tell me what MY facts should be? Surely, fairer & easier for each of us just to make them up as we need them:

Read about them in the tabloids
plied by ‘anything goes’ hacks
Elsewhere commonly called factoids
dressed up as we need them ‘facts’

The Net thrills in profligacy
of excitement refulgent
Be it doubtful efficacy
enabling those indulgent

Who’s got guts to be resolute
sort out all that’s annoying
in these our sweet times dissolute
brimmed with the innate, cloying?

Hence we spill what pops into mind
as insight of reflected kind!


Beauty of Riga

Riga straddles the mighty river
for all vitality it’ll give her.

She strides on heels stiletto
elegantly arrayed.
Drools over Rigoletto
cultured through her free trade.

Riga shows spires & beauty
from centuries of booty.

mighty river = The Daugava forms deep in Russia and flows out in to the Bay of Riga

edited 09/09/21 1805

%) A cheerful thrilla in a cheese villa!

Like mice scurrying away
off to work & shopping
we’d like all to be OK
with daily fun, whopping!

In our dream house til the bell shall knell
often in neighborhood select
Many a mouse thinks they’ve chosen well
though stuck in a mousing project

Now, ain’t life such a cheerful thrilla
in our so chichi cheesy villa!

How do I join a steadfast one?

Us Humans are a fickle lot
at least the ones this poor Earth got

On our Life’s fleeting one-way flight
fluctuates the scenery
between our chilly mind’s parched blight
and our warm heart’s greenery

With this forlorn Human Race I’m done
Tell, how do I join a steadfast one?

Obliquity now in ubiquity

Does our watching those celebs
so wealthy & carefree
clear our drudgery’s cobwebs
thin out boredom’s debris?

Seen how, say, grocery clerks
carry on like show hosts
setting off verbal fireworks
with check-out line ripostes?

Do talk shows model us folks?
Or do talk shows inform
manipulate, joke & coax
us in how to perform?

… keeping up the banter in ubiquity
in a tiresome culture of obliquity

Screen-glued maroons howl at moons

Their ignorance seems foregone
unwittingly adverse
Declaring them a moron
might just make it all worse

Though they aren’t sipping the chalice
of willful and cruel malice

Who thinks those who howl at moons
truly deserve contempt?
Why berate screen-glued maroons
who of insight exempt

but were one of them to feel concern
sufficient then to cause a heartburn?

maroon: a person ‘marooned’ i.e. stranded or isolated withe little hope of rescue



They pitch to our cupidity

Turning what’s clear into murky
they digress, they obfuscate
hawk what’s boring as if perky
pounce, batter & inundate

Dogged out-of-breath marketing
intrusive, titillating
in pitches self-aggrandizing
which some find mesmerizing:

Pitching to our cupidity
aided by our torpidity