Mornful seagulls shrieking

Morning dawns intently
on ‘coming to’ human fray
Kind sun rays shine gently
upon yet another day

Way below mournful seagulls
mournful their shrieking earfuls:

Humans scuffle in barbarity
set for yet another drubbing
Shunning of most solidarity
scurrying, our faint hearts flubbing

Feigned to listen with eyes trained to glisten?

Nodding ‘Yes!’ Prettily smiling
signaling how we assuage
Leaning in closely, beguiling
lying in wait to engage

Then! Rushing the podium
forcing forward tilting
engendering odium
with rendition lilting!

Boorishly we’re ‘reporting’
while other voices thwarting

By faked exchange we’re elbowing
to corral own audience
In-vogue phrases we’re echoing
promoting our prominence

Out from what frozen frustration
flows such puerile predation?

‘reporting’ = here: often unsolicited, to boorishly drone on with pointless & self-centered accounts of the minute & mundane


Finding small talk fulfilling

What’s our pleasant ‘small talk’
but schlock while lolling?
Keeps humming, spiked by squawk
boorish & galling!

Seldom turns elevating
those leisurely oozings
of whiny ventilating
self-victimized musings

Mostly regurgitating
that not much worth saying
How tiresome, aggravating
much like brainless braying!

Small talk like cloying pies
whose flavor fading hasty
Expectations belies
beyond sugar, flour pasty

Inside hooey crumbly crust
gooey, gluey filling
for which lips & taste buds lust
rarely found fulfilling

Is not small talk a pie
over which we should cry ?

Fades fast solidarity’s warm light

Throughout history of cultures
humans have brought agony
Tearing asunder like vultures
and seldom showing mercy

Egos flare while hearts still yearn
to mire us in conflict
now getting too late to learn
to help, and not inflict

Life lost in bickering
Solidarity’s warm lights
have long been flickering
collapse nibbled, now it bites

Even with our planet crumbling
why aren’t our failings found humbling?

In hapless hearts darkling, war machines keep sparkling

Here they go to war again
to make up for policy flawed
The pretext this time Ukraine
sending in military awed!

Narrative but forlorn fiction
with handy excuses mostly thin
Reaction same old addiction
to militaries who rarely win

Empires’ machines sparkling
in patriots’ eyes callow
their fickle hearts darkling
while peace fades ever sallow

Steeped in deep ignorance
hooked on obsession
Haughty the arrogance
of blind aggression

Still on victimhood they’re insisting
in mulish denial persisting

Of aggrandizing advertising our mailbox feels flummoxed

We found our mailbox crammed
brimmed with discontent
Poor thing been stuffed & jammed
pouring out lament

Her plastic sides bulging
while overflowing
readily divulging
sad contents showing:

Though a lonesome magazine
found no private letter
Advertising byzantine
‘how to stay a debtor’

Gushingly touted
quite breathlessly!
All restraint flouted
quite fecklessly!

The box didn’t gorge itself
instead invaded
it’s just a lidded elf
pounced on, degraded

Don’t even a degree from Poetdunk U

Did I at Poetdunk learn verse?
At no university
but since child enjoyed verses terse
which Mom found perversity

Am, it seems, an autodidact
lost in our culture’s group think
Who knows, perhaps to counteract
consumer culture’s hoodwink?

Hence never enrolled in class
just tapping my inner sass

-Podunk = any small and insignificant town
-Poetdunk U = (taking license) any liberal arts college in such town


They wave, smile & shake hands

With their careers at stake
our ‘leaders’ lie & fake

Feeling all entitled
why would they concede?
The elite unbridled
in atrocious deed

They’re hawking ‘give & take’
means ‘they take, we give’
Gladly devour our cake
grimly combative

When faced with our demands
they wave, smile & shake hands

We clinched Oblivion!

Ending endless wars the sine qua non
for the reining in of the Pentagon

Still we’ll perish in climate collapse
part of the Sixth Mass Extinction
Even if changing as in time-lapse
won’t forestall Species’ eviction

We warred & consumed at our best
clinched Oblivion for the rest!

-sine qua non = a prerequisite
-Sixth (Great) Mass Extinction = In the last half-billion years, life on Earth has been nearly wiped out five times. The planet is now entering the Sixth. Let’s give ourselves a strong hand!
-time-lapse = done by means of time-lapse photography