Can’t take the heat? Get up & off the side walk grate!


Nice, but ought not our collars still feel a little bit tight?

Show us all we can grab
how to get our way
as we prefer to nab
not give or allay!

Thus abet
rather than care
just forget
what’s like to share

Have now learned to manage
(spurred on by own greed)
taking full advantage
of those in dire need

Indulgent we’re beaming
finest wines we swill
lounged amidst stuff gleaming
huge thick steaks we grill

But aboard in yachting delight
cruising in the starlit night
cradled in self-absorbed birthright
oughtn’t our collars feel bit tight?

-collars feel bit tight = here: feeling a strain of anxiety about whether we’re steering a compassionate course on life’s ocean

Subjects of banality splashing amongst the plurality

Our quick, impatient words
flapping in ad lib
like flocks of ‘take off’ birds
swift, screeching & glib

Our phrases cheerfully poured
over facts, rationale
‘cleverness points’ to be scored
regardless of morale

‘Rolling off tongue’ phrases
sink without a trace
scattered in odd places
as bystanders brace

While endless subjects of banality
keep splashing amongst the plurality

No fakin’ about bacon

Multitudes eagerly eat it
though there can be no fakin’
While some try make it appear fit
here’s the truth about bacon:

Poor hogs maligned
horribly treated
tightly confined
callously slaughtered

Billions gallons of feces piling
bucolic surroundings defiling

In actuality
it’s raw brutality
leering lethality
lacking morality

Your breakfast’s ‘burnt pork’ fuel
(sizzling fat thought tasty)
was ‘raised’ in manner cruel
Conscience clear or pasty?

Hogs of decent life been cheated
due human palate conceited

-feces piling =

Of self too forgiving?

Why be effete
scurrying eyes down
on tender feet
in self-absorbed frown?

Down blind alleys
in another fray
Same old sallies
just another day

On craven path
indulged, too well fed
still silent wrath
keeps racking my head

Is life really worth living
if of self we’re too forgiving?


Times are heady despite having lost our heads already

Our minds gone apolitical
bored with analytical
views blindly hypocritical
of restraint inimical

On entertainment insistent
in narcissistic nation
turned Reality resistant
in misguided elation

Are we not head-over-heels
raiding the cash machine
in gilded automobiles
en route to guillotine?

But in these gadget-gathering times heady
we must surely have lost our heads already?

Hey lazy aces, check those laces!

These days it seems too much work and/or there ain’t enough time to untie the laces before removing one’s shoes at night. If so – here’s for those of you who struggle with putting them on the next morning:

Hope eternally springs
for AI laces made right:
Self-loosening shoestrings
opens up shoes with foresight!

But til such time here’s a cue:
Must it cause much outcry
if you don’t remove your shoe
until first you untie?!

Or do sneakers get tight
just resting over night?

Really now? Teeth cleaning like water boarding?

My dental hygienist told me that one of her patients did, when getting their teeth cleaned by water pressure, actually exclaim:

“Teeth cleaning like water boarding!”
provides a dental chair glimpse
of sample comment affording
by ignorant ‘First World’ wimps

Sense of compassion unformed?
Oddly non-reflective?
Aren’t they sadly uninformed
so lacking perspective …

but that must be hard to see
when all revolves around ‘ME’?


Such searing spiel from behind the steering wheel!

“Why’s everyone in my way
while I’m never in theirs?
Why do they drive so astray
with only me who cares?”

Impatience turns rampageous
hurls us down that black hole
while patience is contagious
and leaves us in control

When one’s ego bigger than the car
seem we can’t help rant, honk, speed & spar!

The car fleetingly lends power
to a driver who’s lacking
whilst on foot meek as a flower
timid, weak-kneed & slacking

Ponder: You’re not stuck IN traffic
You ARE the traffic, Seraphic!