Fawningly falling for Fallacy

When replacing what’s factually known
with what’s been determined Fantasy
ain’t it Reality we thus disown
fawningly falling for Fallacy?

In earthly strife of opaque spec
we’re escaping on each day
our noses in gadgets high tech:
Tap keyboard ballet, ole!

While on screen devices we’ve binged
human life has gotten unhinged


Celebrity expectantly

I’m not fearing to tread
as My Very Own Celeb!
Won’t fail to get ahead
soon gone viral on the web!

Never mind solidarity
must star in My Own Story
Forging on with temerity
I deserve all the glory!

Leaving politics to the Elite
affords time to stuff my own shed
So what that usurious Wall Street
if helps me feather my own bed?

For I won’t hesitate at the gate
of the Only Life Worth Living!
Must not let my beguilement abate
which would turn out unforgiving

Watch me take aim
ready in crisp dress
to claim my fame
a chunk of success!

Disingenuous words slither & slide

Aiming to take us for a ride
those disingenuous words
tenebrously slither & slide
pounce singly as well in herds

By blurred verbiage thronged
our attention grabbed
Bathos suffered prolonged
its contentions crabbed

Assertions spurious
cheery & braying
Assaults laborious
preying, dismaying

Spectacle precarious
in bombastic bouquet
All so faux gregarious
in dissolute decay



Post-millennial centaur, arrayed in splendour

Tell, has our Species ever met
someone that so hogs our time?
Anything like the Internet
that so dominates our prime?

Anything as facile as the Smart Phone
enticing indulgent seclusion?
where we are never & always alone
in such tantalizing collusion?

The hapless Post-Millennial Centaur
gallops wildly in oblivion
arrayed in alienation’s splendour
til crashed in future obsidian!

Dissent pathologized, nothing apologized

Just dismiss those with an accent
every one a malcontent!
Let’s pathologize their dissent
never justly they lament

As accountable to no one
no need to be acquitted
Does not matter what we have done
accomplished or omitted

Americans don’t apologize
nor are we ever to be blamed
We always prevail, don’t compromise
Patriots are never ashamed!

Let’s always take this stand
against all critique:
Dismiss it out of hand
or bespeaks we’re weak

-apologize = “I will never apologize for the United States. I don’t care what the facts are. I’m not an apologize-for-America kind of guy” – President George H W Bush
-we = here: patriotic, jingoistic Americans

Tempted by opportunity who may proclaim immunity?

Can’t be kind or sentimental
dressed up in our power suit
we must display ‘metal mettle’
empowered to act the brute

Focus on what’s at stake:
To make profits shine
grabbing all we can take
boosts the bottom line!

Swimming with opportunity
while prodded by peer pressure
who can pretend immunity
from turning rabid thresher?

But beware! The greed on Wall Street
is the greed in our own heart
So as we darkly scheme & cheat
ain’t no excuse blame we’re smart

Face when poorly we pay heed
(restraint of course, we dread)
that a heart consumed by greed
won’t stand us in good stead!

Mightily menacing Methane

While serious enough CO2
mightily menacing Methane
rarely the subject of ballyhoo
Fearfully we minimize, feign

Lurking, patient Methane
punches way above its weight
Held in human disdain
shall seal humanity’s fate

Our human denial profane
Global warming inexorable
shown by science, nothing arcane
Damage done is irreversible

-Methane = CH4, greenhouse gas 30-80 times more global warming potent than CO2; it’s current & potential release appears severely under reported in the main stream media

Let’s ignore their piercing plaint

Is anything found too cloying
these nifty days at all, such
as being outright annoying
or revoltingly too much?

Do they keep grabbing ever more
no longer knowing surfeit?
Is ‘missing out’ what they abhor
fearing that they might forfeit?

So let’s ignore their piercing plaint
following each indulgence
as it’s only through calm restraint
one shall assure abundance

restraint = here: voluntarily restraint

Out on raids ever niggling

On raids ever niggling
yet again out on foray
ever jolted, wriggling
heading out among moray

Chasing for conveniency
in hoopla unrestrained
granted full leniency
to live lives entertained

You contentious consumer
on shopping paths hallow
doggedly without humor
distracted, stuck callow

You captives of rushing clatter
paying heed to ads’ slick flatter

-moray = family of brightly colored voracious eels, dangerous if provoked; here: ambitious consumers dangerous if impeded


Our ‘tinderly’ ignitable heart

Tirelessly our hapless Tongue
so recklessly wagging
Keeps hurling havoc far flung
bragging, ragging, snagging!

Our self-righteous racing Mind
contentiously nagging
How unrestrained we’ve opined
in pursuit unflagging!

Let our Hearts be more than pumps non-excitable:
The place where we live ‘tinderly’ ignitable

‘tinderly’ = interweaving ‘tinder’ with ‘tender’