So up the volts, you dolts!

Speedy thin ice skating
a dared dalliance
Perhaps fascinating
if as vain valiance?

When our nerve endings are worn
they’ll need most frequent jolts
When in the mundane forlorn
must keep upping the volts!

You have only use for those acts
or attempts captivating
which after hyped up to its max
shall still feel scintillating

Mirage creators, slick myth narrators

In these so called ‘debates’
we’re fed thin gruel
while opens all floodgates
to base & cruel

Those scripted ‘debaters’:
Mirage creators
in-the-wings dictators
slick myth narrators

populace fretful
seen our hopes deflated
by priors fateful

Even so we keep up our drool
the sure fate of the hapless fool!


Roads avaricious lead to dead-ends pernicious

Might those unknown ‘truly humble’

be the sole ‘adults’ these days
those who rarely are heard grumble
those few who’d rather shun praise?

Shouldn’t those ‘faking being modest’
be deserving of our wrath?
These days invasive as sawdust
how they’re clogging up our path!

Who is propelled by humility
when comes to piling worldly excess?

Tailwinds push truculently
on many roads avaricious
wide, they gleam luminously
leading to dead-ends pernicious

Seems mere flash of futility
when pushing too hard for success?

-‘adult’ = an emotionally, mentally & socially mature person – seen many recently?

Is searching for Reality the ultimate futility?

Do we dare search for ‘Reality’
certain that we do want it found?
Shan’t it be abject futility
in our culture fantasy gowned?

‘Reality’ has turned plurality
awash in all sorts inanities
Ain’t it then just fumbling futility
trying sort from among vanities?

Not being guided by what’s objective
we got lost in reams of dreams subjective

The Leaf Blower: Just shifts dirt in winked collusion

I nominate as emblematic
while Flora & Fauna glower
of Society symptomatic:
The ubiquitous Leaf Blower

Its credentials are compelling:
* Viciously vociferous
* Dust stirring jet, fetid smelling
* Exhaust carboniferous

Factually there’s no disputing
it’s to Nature quite abusive
being so profusely polluting
and to Neighborhoods intrusive

It replaces rasping raking
of erstwhile such enjoyment
and while by ‘techno fix’ faking
it creates unemployment

Its shortsightedness enigmatic
does not provide a solution
Of our carelessness symptomatic
just shifts dirt in winked collusion!

So by pretense are we then absolved
though the core issues remain unsolved?

No wind in face

Asks cyclist amidst ‘metal boxes on rubber’
predatorily sleek or overreach blubber:

So in love head over heels
with their crisply gleaming
well appointed ‘caves on wheels’
why aren’t drivers beaming?

On soft seat behind windshield
might driving perhaps be
in climate control congealed
akin to watch TV:

Like sealed off, stale behind chromed grill?
No wind in face, crisp morning chill.

Rubber sword gladiators

Oh, what nonsense conferred
Claiming it is us who drive
while in backseat chauffeured
How we presume & connive!

We wobble gushingly inane
Us boorish bloviators
we hobble on presumption’s cane
rubber sword gladiators

We ignore contradiction
with our suavest diction
Our syntax dereliction
turns pureed affliction

Between reality and fiction
there’s absolute absence of friction

To the plight of others blind?

If ours not staunch frugality
(time out here for shocked gasping!)
but a stingy mentality
of plain greedily grasping

Aren’t we rather shark teethed & finned
of others plight coldly blind
oblivious, harsh or thick skinned
while to self indulgent kind?

So ingrained shall we comprehend
what is our life, lived to what end?

Yeah but, I’m really not sure what you mean?

Planet privatization
while polar caps melting
Gobbling globalization
while hurricanes pelting

Economic disparity
in consumptive temerity
Political polarity
for us people austerity

Perpetually prodigious predation
leaving victims without restitution
Usurious financialization
where’s its societal contribution?

Fades now erstwhile solidarity
in rear mirror’s celerity
with jaded familiarity
and counterfeit sincerity

“Yeah but, I’m really not sure what you mean
as been importantly tied up on my screen?”

Years in arrears

Amidst glistening trees in morning mist
we’re feeling charged by auspicious jolt
as raises curtain on a new day kissed
but then to ruckus routine we bolt

Sadly short of heart, courage & mettle
jostled toward bodily demise
for ’security’ we strive to settle
but unattainable, so unwise

Days drafting days in life’s waning years
A few cheers, then we’re out on our ears