Should’ve been iconoclastic about plastic

Reigned briefly
did Humankind
Brawled chiefly
left mess behind

Our Species capricious
in predicament drastic
piled garbage pernicious
stifling planet in plastic!

While us Humans quick in verbal comeback
when it comes to changing we turn our back

To secure empire Pentagon remains the sine qua non

Are they being overwrought
in Military Paradise
those bemedaled Argonauts
who keep exhorting sacrifice:

for Freedom & Democracy
to flow out the barrel of the gun?
The life quenching hypocrisy
that the Argonauts shall never shun

Their faces don’t show pallor
while humming Te Deum
their proclaimed Christian Valor
contrary to Freedom

To secure empire Pentagon
handles wars of premeditation
It remains the sine qua non
to what’s needing annihilation

Leaving us to watch the Pentagon roll on
over the next small country it bears down on


In tiresome tirades tendentious why do sound so pretentious?

Our deluded Prime Mover
acts arrogant & contentious
seeking room to maneuver
with pithy prancing pretentious

Readily spouts what’s trite
mixed with random invective
Blindly claims to be right
while facts, logic deflective

Keeps up tiresome tirades tendentious
but aren’t we all sometimes sententious?

sententious = full of terse pithy sayings & axioms

Stand your ground, fire another round!

Others we hate or fear
and regard with derision
We carry guns & sneer
amidst growing division

Facing constant suspicion
we’re piling up the munition
Self-defense our sole mission
sensing no need for contrition

Under the law of ‘stand-your-ground’
go ahead, fire another round!

‘They’ used to be plural, now procural

Outrage of neoliberalism
seems to have taken the backseat
(as well the fear of proto-fascism)
for the ‘neo-pronoun elite’:

Stray on the neo-pronoun path
where they self-righteously prance
we risk get mauled by minions’ wrath
in their identity dance

Their chase for the proper pronoun
shall seemingly never slow down