Law of gravity ain’t no whim of depravity

This verse suggested itself in the face of rising anti-reason & anti-science sentiment

Feel science is deniable
or of it plain unaware?
It still remains unpliable
so watch out, best be aware:

Each action & appliance
demands we’re compliant
with exact laws of science
of physics reliant

But if your attention rivets
on to being entertained
around science life still pivots
even if you’re unrestrained

The implacable law of gravity
knows neither virtue or depravity

Guilty if not felt guilt

My sweet childhood culture
made me feel much guilt
vexed me like a vulture
daily, to the hilt

Got me uncertainty inbuilt
of something vaguely guilty
left me watch all self esteem wilt
down to limp fish gefilte

Such rearing brought me to adult life
where it’s causing awkwardness & strife

gefilte fish = a limp, soft dish from grinding several species of fish

Bacchanalia of paraphernalia

Our keen shopping ideologue
in her gushing travelogue
pours over every catalogue
for stuff with apt epilogue

Ongoing bacchanalia
found at IKEA
of sharp paraphernalia
So here’s the idea:

That if she can snag
that which is plain out-sized
(except its price tag)
then she’ll be idolized!

-epilogue = here: a purchase that fleetingly pleases – but not for long as that would slow down further purchases


Innate bounce vs enhanced jounce

The bosom left untouched
delights utterly
While the one been retouched
may bulge udderly

Still produces rapture
in the gaping fool
held frozen in capture
with unseemly drool

Much rather than the jounce
of breasts enhanced unsightly
I laud the innate bounce
be it scant, that flows lightly

Here kids: Whatever is left is all yours to deplete!

Here kids: The planet Earth
long time now since was replete
Circles, rotates in dearth
with you while fully deplete

Wondering if ours were plain theft
draining the planet hollow?
No, no, no need to feel bereft!
Just carry on! Go wallow!

Simply the generational dance
Earth ain’t wholly overheated
Have faith in ‘techno fixes’ perchance
who says you are being cheated?

Kids, keep up the winning same
piling profits by extraction
Self indulgence brings no shame
just tune out, hide in distraction!

Ravaged planet turns Humanity’s hearse

Am writing here yet another verse
of life languished in delusion
In pretense putrid, pallid & terse
persevered in cold collusion

Make no waves, to go & get along
in narrow self absorbed living
Life squandered for a trinket or song
while pretending no misgiving

Earth’s habitat, turned inside out purse
our children’s lives cannot get worse
Planet becomes Humanity’s hearse
they’ll perish in wailing & curse

they’ll perish in wailing & curse.

Sweet crush on rush

Got a sweet crush
on robust rush?

The activity junkie
moved by proclivity
ever foraging, spunky
in reactivity

Must keep up the constant clanking
as quiet locomotion
found infinitely more rankling
than noisiest commotion

and stopping to catch one’s breath
would surely be to risk death!

Making it up with makeup

Sleep’s traces much remain
as she rubs her eyes
Awake, alive again
stretch, time to arise!

Out from rumbled sheets crinkly
vision blurred, tussled hair
Ears red, cheeks & nose wrinkly
her voice muffled, face bare

From ‘looks in bed’ to beauty table
embracing cosmetology
From what’s natural on to fable
hardly ‘in depth’ psychology:

Largely by convention hustled
leads us worshiping in line
by glitzy marketing muscled
to mere Skin Deep Beauty’s Shrine