Would the true mensch make mention of it?

Watch him there behind the wheel
in his sleek, gleaming, wheeled bubble
(at 60K what a steal!)
such cool driver, bald with stubble

With his self-satisfied smirk
whether on foot or SUV
he shall still manage to irk
in repetitious syncope

But were I the mild mensch to which am striving
would I mention who irks and what they’re driving?

Waiting to be called

In waiting room
most aptly boring
something goes vroom
stylishly scoring:

abundantly thumbed choices
of magazines glossy!
Amidst coughs, muffled voices
receptionist flossy

Ubiquitous uneasiness
amidst querulous queasiness

“All is not lost!” said the person who put on a few pounds

So let us trudge along
gulping mega fudge
trying hum freedom’s song:
‘Mustn’t ourselves begrudge!’

while mired in deep despair
not going anywhere

Over diverse diets
getting ourselves mesmerized
Emotions run riots
by repeat failure chastised

Such is life in consumer cultures
where nothing is ‘overdoing’
while life as insatiable vultures
clearly assures our undoing

Takes so much more for us to lose weight
than by what we don’t serve on our plate

Misery of misology

For massive misology
sprightly slighted ecology
chaotic chronology
they offer no apology

Wasted to first search out facts
in world narcissistic
Merely declare what attracts
with quips jingoistic!

While objecting to such ‘reporting’
is found culturally unsporting

Screened fiends

Today’s fiends
downward leaning
gawk on screens
cyber preening

If suggested they be weaned
through an intervention
they’ll act aggrieved & demeaned
in glib circumvention:

“We must be left free to careen
hunched over with noses on screen!”


Communicative dereliction or just steeped in fiction?

Is our ignoring contradiction
freedom from friction in fiction
communicative dereliction
or just mirthful malediction?

Not inclined toward clarity
us fumblers of the simplest sentence
while lukewarm on what’s verity
won’t feel disquiet or repentance

Thought restraints had since long gone away
are we not just texting anyway?!

Marching to calliope in faux reality. Waylaid in sinister clown parade.

Daunting the hypocrisy
when ruled by plutocracy
or by kakistocracy
Both pretend democracy

How dismissively they act
to any thorough search of fact
Quite unable to react
beyond emotional impact!

Shrill the whistles of delusion
in music played by calliope
Minions marching in effusion
to music of faux reality …

… amidst fellow bewildered minions
hurling out their fact-free opinions!

This poster https://kiiarens.com/products/kamala-vote-joy triggered this verse

Common sense left on floor in shreds

When sensing vertigo
and spinning unfolds
not the wise place to go
climbing up scaffolds

Humans do embarrassing acts
with self-importance gone to our heads
been clueless of obvious facts
when common sense left on floor in shreds

Worldwide now out-of-control head spinning
as Species head into the last inning

Democracy turns ‘Demockcrazy’

A Democracy that works for most of us depends upon a well informed and consistently engaged public:

By main stream media conformed
erstwhile ‘hard news’ turned entertainment:
offers up a worldview malformed
keeps us powerless by containment

Opinions spouted unformed
by impatience upstaged
To facts & logic not warmed
in ignorance encaged

From mounting calamities disengaged
with any sense of urgency assuaged