I’m indulging Life with cupboards, debt & midriff bulging

Rushing is so much fresh fun
as ‘my sweet life’ has just started
must have a great rat race run
for which I’ll fight lionhearted

Life ought not ask anything from me
exect to enjoy indulging!
Just love staying busy, can’t you see
cupboards, debt & midriff bulging

Out of breath, speech smattered
need to somehow find more time!
Heart & mind all scattered
got no time to waste on rhyme!

Thank you for not ‘reporting’

This verse is about those among of us who routinely ‘report’, i.e. who monopolize what otherwise might pass for participatory conversation, and instead provide a mindless stream of unsolicited, tedious accounts of personal trivia. ‘They’ are those who indulge themselves in such fashion. ‘We’ refers to those among us who pretend to listen rather than speaking up.

Inane silliness they propound
oblivious of how they do bore
running colloquy’s ship aground
prop churning in air, bow stuck ashore

Brusquely do they choose to fail
noticing some snoring
while they sweat every detail
Hot air balloons soaring

We’re dragged through verbiage’s marsh
put-upon minds splashed numb
In knee deep slog, soaked & harsh
our hapless hearts splotched glum

While silently we’re imploring:
“You blabbering, boorish bum
please plug that oozing outpouring
grant us mercy! Try out mum!”

prop = propeller; here: image of a grounded ship

Personal immorality became society’s normality

When striving to grasp reality
how is it recognized if found
as surely abject futility
with life now in fantasy gowned?

Our personal credulity
shapes up what’s reality
Endless our gullibility
as we crave hyperbole

All faded to triviality
including hate’s lethality
Beware of life in frugality
hail corporate mentality!

Thus our personal immorality
became societal normality


Din of dim dinner

An exercise in civility?
No, we opt for instant reprieve
devolves in wordy futility
from ‘Holy’ takes decisive leave

Yield to that gut surging pull
again cheaply thrilling
to chomp beyond feeling full
of slumming in swilling?

In what lies the attraction
of gorging & natter
of shattering distraction
din of verbal clatter?


Wall Street vs Main Street

Concurring with Henry Giroux that:

” … what emerges is a savage form of casino capitalism along with an
army of walking dead zombies who celebrate a narcissistic
hyper-individualism that radiates a near sociopathic lack of interest in
other people and civic life.”

inspired this verse:

While Wall Street ‘prophets’
in system degrading
make windfall profits
on pension fund raiding

We let us be manipulated
to trudge on own ‘Google coned’ day
us zombies get humiliated
as too much piled up in our way

Palpable the diagnosis:
A one-sided symbiosis!

Stirring up excess, we make a mess

We persist by push & aggress
may advance using cold guile.
We stir up excess, make a mess
crest our material pile.

At last, alas! We thought: Success!
We’re ‘uniquely’ distinguished
but pray tell who did we impress?
Soon we’ll all be extinguished.

Nonetheless not letting up, roiled in strife
Too busy hiding out in daily Life.

Not much left to heft

Trashing the planet while we can
ain’t hardly plunder or theft!
With so little remaining, man
not very much left to heft!

No way, not just my opinion
it ain’t me, just take a look:
The Bible commands ‘dominion’
long since read such good a book

Prefer to float on own cloud nine
spouting TV show humor
insisting on rights which are mine
as consummate consumer!

dominion = Psalms 8:6-8

Planet unfairly fading, leaving me the victim

My o my, such an unfair fate!
Why’s all this done just to me?
All crumbling at a nose dive rate
how can this allowed to be?

I want to pile up a heap
am eager to consume
and to do so on the cheap.
So rightfully I fume:

Mother Earth, she’s a disaster.
Just thinking of herself, blast her!

Aroused citizens’ ire

Seattle 2012:

Wars, global warming or plight of the poor?
No, paper bags soon 5 cents at the store!

A situation turned dire
that aroused citizens’ ire

And no bags plastic hurt them to the core!

Ensnared in empty cold hearts

In erstwhile other place
in times more civil
in cultures not so base
did we mope, snivel?

While at our present time & place
feeling entitled to whine
stuck in that all consuming chase:
There’s not enough to call mine!

Chasing hard for material parts
absorbed, clinging to illusion
while ensnared in our empty cold hearts
we waste our lives in delusion