They pitch to our cupidity

Turning what’s clear into murky
they digress, they obfuscate
hawk what’s boring as if perky
pounce, batter & inundate

Dogged out-of-breath marketing
intrusive, titillating
in pitches self-aggrandizing
which some find mesmerizing:

Pitching to our cupidity
aided by our torpidity

Until death: Entertainment!

Eyes locked on that Holy Grail
til death: Entertainment!
Gladly we’ll go off the rail
chasing its obtainment

Lessons dismissed, thus unlearned
Can’t pull back from the fray
repeated hangovers spurned!
So here’s another day:

to pursue that noble endeavor
of being entertained forever!

To all my ‘wants’ I’m entitle

To logic & hard facts
I’m recalcitrant
They may hinder my acts
when I gallivant

When finding pliable ‘facts’
I’m thus salivating
as they justify my acts
Aptly stimulating!

Civil or in brawl
I’m the victim
Watch me whine & bawl
here’s my dictum:

Between ‘wants’ & ‘needs’ little daylight
Furthermore I ain’t contrite, all right?

Fantasy’s denizens

After having captured Government
Big Business criminogenic
in stealthy coup of empowerment
ethics withered cryogenic

Erstwhile Earnest Citizen
turned Craven Consumer
Now Fantasy’s Denizen
selfish in ill humor

So now we’ve been trumped
back to Poor Serfs bumped

-serf = here: a person doing undignified work at a callous corporation paid far less than his or her contribution to productivity

Disgrace of the Human Race

Can one but be a disgrace

(surely impossible!)
if part of the Human Race?
Would seem implausible!

Now what eclipses evil
ever since times primeval:

We’re soiling our only nest
til unhabitable
in shortsighted selfish quest.
Once unfathomable!

Grass greener but the dog meaner?

While the grass is thought to be greener
on the other side of the fence
the barking dog there may be meaner
How do such fantasies make sense?

The Human Race is in dire distress
because we constantly want more
Always way too willing to aggress
so we can further up our score

Mired in constant complaint
as we know not constraint

Detouring in distraction

In our earthly lives cruelly bechanced
of unremitting suffering
we chase after stuff & fun romanced
as Reality buffering

How we race & rush
but does it really work
while we grin & gush
like if some clueless jerk?

Still we try detouring in distraction
which remains our major daily action!


For laziness a smoke screen?

In early morning still
not the time to lounge
From early morning’s chill
must keep going, scrounge!

No time shall be wasted
get hopping, scurry!
Much needs to be hasted
stir up a flurry!

For ain’t living calmly, serene
but for laziness a smoke screen?

Consumer choice!

With valiant perseverance
in one united voice:
“We brook no interference
with Consumer Choice!

We blindly march in lockstep
while anger & planet smolder
We prattle, whine, chase & schlepp
Cassandras get the cold shoulder

How silly we’re beaming
unbeknownst benighted