No fakin’ about bacon
Multitudes eagerly eat it
though there can be no fakin’
While some try make it appear fit
here’s the truth about bacon:
Poor hogs maligned
horribly treated
tightly confined
callously slaughtered
Billions gallons of feces piling
bucolic surroundings defiling
In actuality
it’s raw brutality
leering lethality
lacking morality
Your breakfast’s ‘burnt pork’ fuel
(sizzling fat thought tasty)
was ‘raised’ in manner cruel
Conscience clear or pasty?
Hogs of decent life been cheated
due human palate conceited
-feces piling =
Demanding compliance with boundless nescience
Why must I be bored daily
told sports metaphors frail
celebrity quotes gaily
and commercial quips pale?
How does the majority
sunk in deep nescience
think they’ve the authority
to demand compliance
with their endless tedious prattle
spouting threadbare cliches & tattle?
Times are heady despite having lost our heads already
Our minds gone apolitical
bored with analytical
views blindly hypocritical
of restraint inimical
On entertainment insistent
in narcissistic nation
turned Reality resistant
in misguided elation
Are we not head-over-heels
raiding the cash machine
in gilded automobiles
en route to guillotine?
But in these gadget-gathering times heady
we must surely have lost our heads already?
Base consumer ace not bound by boundaries
Whether buying socks or crockery
it’s about deliberation
Making right choice or face mockery
a taxing preoccupation!
Stuff made in sweatshop
makes for low price perfect!
Heady feel atop
with power to reject!
Total waste to try and humor
any purchase quandary
that’s faces our base consumer
who knows not of boundary
All opportunities acute
for a consumer resolute
Prudence never found too minute
for a consumer who’s astute
Peace of Other Kind than found in Consumer Land
Does goods hawked with perky snappiness
by such breathless marketing fanned
bring us but material happiness
wandering in Consumer Land …
… as Peace of Mind ever vernal
must unceasingly be yearned
Grasped fleetingly, though eternal
cannot be bought, might be earned
Aren’t we hapless then shopping sheepishly
while the true price thereof piles steepishly?
Finding small talk fulfilling
What’s our pleasant ‘small talk’
but schlock while lolling?
Keeps humming, spiked by squawk
boorish & galling!
Seldom turns elevating
those leisurely oozings
of whiny ventilating
self-victimized musings
Mostly regurgitating
that not much worth saying
How tiresome, aggravating
much like brainless braying!
Small talk like cloying pies
whose flavor fading hasty
Expectations belies
beyond sugar, flour pasty
Inside hooey crumbly crust
gooey, gluey filling
for which lips & taste buds lust
rarely found fulfilling
Is not small talk a pie
over which we should cry ?
Of aggrandizing advertising our mailbox feels flummoxed
We found our mailbox crammed
brimmed with discontent
Poor thing been stuffed & jammed
pouring out lament
Her plastic sides bulging
while overflowing
readily divulging
sad contents showing:
Though a lonesome magazine
found no private letter
Advertising byzantine
‘how to stay a debtor’
Gushingly touted
quite breathlessly!
All restraint flouted
quite fecklessly!
The box didn’t gorge itself
instead invaded
it’s just a lidded elf
pounced on, degraded
We clinched Oblivion!
Ending endless wars the sine qua non
for the reining in of the Pentagon
Still we’ll perish in climate collapse
part of the Sixth Mass Extinction
Even if changing as in time-lapse
won’t forestall Species’ eviction
We warred & consumed at our best
clinched Oblivion for the rest!
-sine qua non = a prerequisite
-Sixth (Great) Mass Extinction = In the last half-billion years, life on Earth has been nearly wiped out five times. The planet is now entering the Sixth. Let’s give ourselves a strong hand!
-time-lapse = done by means of time-lapse photography
Easier just to look for stuff!
In the daily juggle
between truth and ruse
where’s the strength to struggle
with what seems abstruse?
Figuring out what Life asks is tough
so easier just to look for stuff!
Show us all we can grab
how to get our way
as we prefer to nab
not give or allay!
Thus abet
rather than care
just forget
what’s like to share
Have now learned to manage
(spurred on by own greed)
taking full advantage
of those in dire need
Indulgent we’re beaming
finest wines we swill
lounged amidst stuff gleaming
huge thick steaks we grill
But aboard in yachting delight
cruising in the starlit night
cradled in self-absorbed birthright
oughtn’t our collars feel bit tight?
-collars feel bit tight = here: feeling a strain of anxiety about whether we’re steering a compassionate course on life’s ocean