‘Consumer’ – a most euphemistic label & fable

When we use up what is essential to our very survival we shall perish. No distractions shall save us. To ‘consume’ (Latin ‘consumere’) is to take wholly or completely destroy, i.e. to use up.

Consumers don’t just squander
they do obliterate
now and right here and yonder
they do annihilate

Humans are now consumers
of what remains on Earth
we’re the malignant tumors
assuring planet’s dearth

Plainly turning it all unlivable:
The ultimate act unforgivable


Pursuit carboniferous

Outlook darkly fossiliferous
of restraint we’re belligerent
In our pursuits carboniferous
of the future indifferent

No mere hubristic vanity
this despairing dissonance
but ’round the bend’ insanity
from which no deliverance!

While Icarus just didn’t watch the wax
we’re giving our whole species the axe

Icarus = the classical hubris poster boy

Celebrity expectantly

I’m not fearing to tread
as My Very Own Celeb!
Won’t fail to get ahead
soon gone viral on the web!

Never mind solidarity
must star in My Own Story
Forging on with temerity
I deserve all the glory!

Leaving politics to the Elite
affords time to stuff my own shed
So what that usurious Wall Street
if helps me feather my own bed?

For I won’t hesitate at the gate
of the Only Life Worth Living!
Must not let my beguilement abate
which would turn out unforgiving

Watch me take aim
ready in crisp dress
to claim my fame
a chunk of success!

Of winglets, who gives a hoot?

Hey, Nose on Screen, waiting to chew
check this nifty ‘winglet’ thing!
They are rarely more than just two
one at the tip of each wing.

Whether of much use those winglets
or the plane a sleek cygnet
whether most pilots wear singlets
or air travel mere figment:

Still heart & soul of air travel
seems the ‘wheeled larder’? Take heart!
No risk in sky to unravel
for here rolls the service cart:

Heavenward passengers scoot!
Of winglets, who gives a hoot?

-winglets = small angled wing tip extensions which provide extra lift, reduce drag & fuel consumption (somewhat)


Let’s ignore their piercing plaint

Is anything found too cloying
these nifty days at all, such
as being outright annoying
or revoltingly too much?

Do they keep grabbing ever more
no longer knowing surfeit?
Is ‘missing out’ what they abhor
fearing that they might forfeit?

So let’s ignore their piercing plaint
following each indulgence
as it’s only through calm restraint
one shall assure abundance

restraint = here: voluntarily restraint

Out on raids ever niggling

On raids ever niggling
yet again out on foray
ever jolted, wriggling
heading out among moray

Chasing for conveniency
in hoopla unrestrained
granted full leniency
to live lives entertained

You contentious consumer
on shopping paths hallow
doggedly without humor
distracted, stuck callow

You captives of rushing clatter
paying heed to ads’ slick flatter

-moray = family of brightly colored voracious eels, dangerous if provoked; here: ambitious consumers dangerous if impeded


Time, that rigid knave, flows as continuity’s slave

We keep cavorting, gushing
why should anyone blush?
Over obstacles rushing
evading Death’s near brush

Time is such a rigid knave
flows without adjournment
Continuity’s mere slave
knows not of discernment

“Saving time through efficiency
watch me, watch me, always I’m!”
Then wasted in proficiency
by rush to save yet more time

Thence such time by rushing saved
gets squandered & wasted
The still moment rarely craved
though sensed but not tasted …

-knave = a deceitful scoundrel; an unprincipled crafty fellow
-proficiency = skill; expertness

Traded snug solidarity for smug insularity

Hooked on voraciously soul sucking screens
in their eerie sheen ubiquitous
Been had by corporate marketing schemes
To celeb culture obsequious

No flirtation. Hit hard on
by forces hellacious
in consumer-tech’s brash con
its pursuits vexatious

Our culture predaceous, duplicitous
a future crashing in crassitude
in a society iniquitous
we languish feebly in lassitude

Been trading snug solidarity
for barbed & smug insularity

Planet sends us packing

Indulge fantasy, discard reason!
Rich times in planet plundering
our Species’ finest fracking season:
Boundless bludgeoning, blundering

Greed brought upon us final defeat
raiding, rustling & ransacking
Soon no livable ground at our feet
as planet sending us packing!

Who but our own sweet Humankind
shall leave so much garbage behind?

Setbacks & wrinkles, long since goose pimples

Our faces turning craggy
Synapses misfiring
Jowls & butts sinking saggy
Worn thinly brain’s wiring

Daily routines found conspiring
full of setbacks & wrinkles
New challenges cause perspiring
Long since we felt goose pimples

Civility sorely lagging
Screeched promotions propitious
abound posturing & bragging
pitches puffed-up, suspicious

No punishment but reward
when in old age we’re ignored

-propitious = indicative of favor; presenting favorable circumstances
-wrinkle = a trick or dodge; crease in the skin