Is impatience the slave to a mind scattered?

Though abundance never suffices
its pursuit seems never to cease
The allure still prods & entices
despite only restraint grants peace

The self’s ceaseless rebellion
rules in full out attack
The ego is the hellion
playing up to the claque

Impatience seems the slave
to the mind scattered
chases us to the grave
as lives blown tattered

Muscovite turned Costcoite

She left ’Solidarity Among Workers’
of Russian People generous and tough
joined here ‘Me-First Apolitical Shirkers’
eager devour abundant, gleaming stuff

Yana’s road steep, long & hard
on feet, bags & credit card

Ever since setting that noble goal
of Costcoite she’s persisted
been excelling in her newfound role
quick, astute, shrewd & tightfisted

-Costcoite: an ace category shopper at Costco
-Muscovite = in this case our neighbor Yana, formerly of Moscow, where her giggles still echoe in its abandoned streets

We rush each new day into the same old fray

We’re jumping into the fray
to injure, use up, jaw
As dawns yet another day
we elbow, step on, claw

One more eight billion people raid
bodies bouncing, minds racing
joy, beauty & sanity fade
never mind what we’re facing:

Species die, forests crumble
all brought down way too fast
Glaciers melt, earthquakes rumble
How long can humans last?

Even so we claim this assault
(as we primp for each next day)
is “no way our doing or fault
so let’s get back in the fray!”

-eight billion = here: the planet’s approx human population

Self-entitlement’s fangs bared

Agony fills our bones
while minds racing, our guts churn
like crawling on coarse stones
For change our heavy hearts yearn

Social bonds no longer prized
irreparably frayed
Everything commoditized
trust & manners decayed

In Empire’s Wars & Celeb Cultures
self-entitlement’s fierce fangs bared
turning us into whiny vultures
Only poverty deeply shared

Little of wisdom debated
or of shared humanity
Neighborhoods fearfully gated
in self absorbed vanity

How the consummate consumer’s mind works

“I can either give you,  no strings attached,  lots of cash and introductions to interesting, fun and beautiful people.  Or arrange for some thugs to drag you behind the nearest building and beat you with a steel pipe!”

“I need some more information. What kind of a steel pipe?”

Wings feebly flapping, in armchairs flopping

Once perhaps eagles, now wobbly geese
ages passed since we looked strapping
Now spectators of silly & sleaze
in armchairs flopping, tongues flapping

In our sugar & fat fueled rut
guzzling, chomping fast food junk
outwards bulges that beach ball gut
no bounce left for cheery spunk

Not letting inequality
or climate calamity
spoil our fun & frivolity!
Busy on screens, can’t you see?

Rather ‘amusing ourselves to death’
than fighting for working democracy
we’re consuming, wheezing out of breath
in willful ignorant hypocrisy

‘Amusing ourselves to death’ = (1985) book title by Neil Postman

Clogged compassion’s fountain

Some found driven to exert control
to pile up goods, to hold power
Others languish in more modest role
for just more time in the shower

While our own mole a mighty mountain
other’s mountain a measly mole
Clogged many a compassion’s fountain
merely sprinkles the beggar’s bowl

How come we keep hoarding excess
and coldly transgress for ‘success’?

A life un-examined

Socrates suggested that “the un-examined life is not worth living.” That was then, and it still ain’t. And here is how now:

She: “Recently been thinking a little about the Meaning of Life …”
He: “Honey, why we don’t we google it?”

Boundless affinity for distraction
in vain attempts to handle it all
knee jerks to superficial attraction
one click away or found at the mall

But to lessen Life’s steady pains
must we not all squarely face
how helplessly our vigor drains
caught in Reckoning’s stern gaze?

while our lives us increasingly perplex
by hi-tech growing evermore complex

On planet frayed our children betrayed

Splurging on carbon speeds global warming
in solipsistic cupidity
Indignantly we waive off all warning
thrashing in torrid acridity

Earth’s plight worsens with rapidity
as we hide behind denial’s fig leaf
most arguments mired in quiddity
While turpitude bolsters beyond belief

… as we indulge & betray
what our children can’t defray

Poise in ubiquitous noise?

Why must I pretend poise
in ubiquitous noise?

Vain the hope that racket turns tinny
so seal doors tight, make walls thicker?
Perhaps move away to New Guinea
or keep numbing up with liquor?

Hold the wild bustle!
Lighten the stomp
Muscle the hustle
Muzzle the romp

Please muffle the clang
and curb the harangue!