Of Latin insight let’s not be wear

Now longer ‘esse quam videri’
but rather the other way around
Of ancient wisdom we have grown weary
not letting others’ insight confound

These days largely perception
now ‘seem’ equals ‘to be’, truly!
Keeping up the deception
displaying presumption coolly

Be a showoff and act headstrong
and they may not suspect you’re wrong!

-esse quam videri = ‘to be, rather than to seem (to be)’

Snappily we yack & yap

Under Internet’s spell
we snappily yack & yap
away on our crisp cell
Heedless of that it’s a trap:

All those on-screen ad clones
pretend they us adulate
while noses on smart phones
from Life us alienate

We’ll come to regret the barren blight
on what seems a ‘safe connection site’!

-‘safe connection site’ = alludes to ‘safe injection site’ where addicts can ‘safely’ shoot up

Does fending off the arcane bestow peace in the mundane?

Never thought of as mere trivia
when there’s something that we lament
manners dispatched to oblivia
leaving us unrestrained to vent

That pebble on our path
turns into mighty mountain
precipitates our wrath
spewing from ire’s fountain

Does trying to hide away in what’s trivial
create but fleetingly a mood convivial?


Keep your acts & facts malleable and thus manageable

Make sure to keep any facts
freely adjustable
In case they restrain your acts
make them combustible

No need to succumb
Treat facts tentatively
for favored outcome
use them lenitively

For evidence is no more facts
than your esteemed opinion!
They needn’t impede your desired act
so don’t grant them dominion!

So if you’ve got a brain
keep facts on a tight rein

-facts = evidence; “Factual evidence, since it is an impediment to what we desire, is banished.” – Chris Hedges

Verbal sabre rattling

“All options are on the table!”
Beltway adulterated
phrase, a repeated worn fable
brainwashed, acculturated

Elite chattering
with scrounged-up oompf
in self-flattering
here goes, harrumph:

Blurting the same old canned phrase
(like talking dolls with battery)
piling on Empire’s proud praise
amidst harsh weapons clattery

Virtuous Officialdom
sure to expunge Evil
They stand up for Christendom
and Freedom’s Retrieval!

Those hard toiling ribboned Elite elves
they simply just cannot help themselves

ribboned = here: honored with service ribbons, medals, awards etc

The odd ditty more wobbly than witty

Tired of hearing myself talking
in fat ego distention
of balking, hawking & squawking
Bring on an intervention!

Rarely found nibblers eager
taste my wilted phrases salad
culinary most meager
displayed in dry servings pallid

May lack knack but for the odd ditty
commonly more wobbly than witty?

Freed from solidarity! ‘Freed’ ?!

Through Neoliberal contortion
said to ‘free us’ from solidarity
we thrash about in self absorption
unbeknownst of our insularity

But the ‘freed’ claim is specious
far from innocent gaffe
nor is the claim facetious
since on us is the laugh!

If we don’t fight together
that fierce One Percent Bunch
for sure (not about ‘whether’)
shall devour us for lunch!

-One Percent Bunch = the Power Elites (more like ‘point one percent’) who are stealing our economic, social and environmental commons, by the methods of

Erudite by keyboard taps light

“Hey, just some quick research on the Net, and I’ll hold my own against any expert in any field! Advanced degrees & years of practice is just for the slow learner!”

Many a Net acolyte
goes from sheer neophyte
to solidly erudite
by mere keyboard tap light!

Thus she or he presumes
by unique prerogative
to learn from iffy fumes!
Ain’t that too rebarbative?

Not just naively superficial
but to sound outcome prejudicial!

Jumping to conclusion

Claiming to be percipient
while jumping to conclusion
on what’s merely incipient
shall at best stir confusion

If you think you understand
try hold off til explained
Spouting answers beforehand
shall appear featherbrained

Dismissive impatience
hangs out with complacence