Democracy’s dying embers

We ‘commune’ by bumper stickers
and by thought-ending cliches
Feebly democracy flickers
in such debased a malaise

Ever sillier, who’d thought?
Uninformed we get out of sync
society’s bonds worn fraught
Civil discourse gone down the sink

Now in anomie mired
entertained on apps agile
In fantasy conspired
reality’s grip fragile

But what a way to go
when wishing not to know!

Clueless ambit, odoriferous armpit

The clueless White House ambit
emanates from Empire’s
odoriferous armpit:
Absurd acts of ‘high wire’

This (must we not suppose) is:
National psychosis
with full free fall prognosis
by brashest hypnosis

Trump aggrandizes
He tantalizes

Done with can’t-help-himself flair
brazen cruelty laid bare

Don’t act deranged! What Climate Change?!

Winter rages bleak & cold
then merely click ‘unfriend’!
For Spring soon to burgeon bold
just click ‘like’ to impend!

Climate change talk we won’t brook
cannot by hoodwinked eye be seen
It lacks button on Facebook
anywhere in front of our screen!

What’s Fantasy and what’s Reality
long since blurred in Mainstream Media
Drenched in torrents of triviality
by enablers of Acedia

Unbeknownst benighted
watch us grin shortsighted

-acedia = not caring or not being concerned with one’s position or condition in the world

It’s complicated!

Thus fades phrases in fashion. In 2017 when this verse was written the word ‘complicated’ was used a lot. Sometimes seemingly as an excuse not to address matters which were most simple.

Word ‘complicated’ is in fashion
hence lacking in restrain & ration

When someone says: “Hi, my name is Matt!
What’s yours?” Don’t feel obligated
say: “Can I get back to you on that?
it’s (majorly) complicated!”

That’s how to ace the coolest phrases
among those faddy fleeting crazes

Words swoop in screeching flocks

Words swooping in screeching flocks
on rash repeated raids
whether aiming to flummox
darting out from deep shades

May seem fetching while hollow
coming across inane
Glib, quick, too hard to follow
they know not of restrain

Verbiage self-promotional
insincerely emotional

Opinions, short on sense, we airily dispense

True facts can’t grow or contract
Facts shall remain facts regardless
of wished-for outcome or tact
They are neither kind or heartless

Opinions are but opinions
oft self-serving, subjective
nothing but a claque of minions
milling around affective

Ain’t it these days to facts we take offense
while opinions we airily dispense?