Screen-glued maroons howl at moons

Their ignorance seems foregone
unwittingly adverse
Declaring them a moron
might just make it all worse

Though they aren’t sipping the chalice
of willful and cruel malice

Who thinks those who howl at moons
truly deserve contempt?
Why berate screen-glued maroons
who of insight exempt

but were one of them to feel concern
sufficient then to cause a heartburn?

maroon: a person ‘marooned’ i.e. stranded or isolated withe little hope of rescue



They pitch to our cupidity

Turning what’s clear into murky
they digress, they obfuscate
hawk what’s boring as if perky
pounce, batter & inundate

Dogged out-of-breath marketing
intrusive, titillating
in pitches self-aggrandizing
which some find mesmerizing:

Pitching to our cupidity
aided by our torpidity

Yet another ‘pretend solution’

When keen to propose a solution
our pitch splendidly articulated
with cliches in such crisp locution
by own idea intoxicated

But a fantasy cure-all
shiny but shortsighted
superficial with much gall
impotent, benighted

Hence just one more ‘pretend solution’
assured to fail in execution

Strenuous when it comes to being disingenuous

Never mind what is fact

Skimp on the logic
Renege on the contract
Clasp view myopic

Briskly spout poppycock
Ignore blatantly
Engage in double talk
Hurl impatiently

Persist tenaciously
Decide capriciously

-fact = as in ‘factual evidence’ – to be ignored when perceived as standing in our way

Words unkempt preempt

Insisting on words distinct meaning

makes us viewed ‘opinionated’
But glossaries too overweening
& leave us intimidated!

Are words merely something we say?
So might as well be snappy
no need for syntax to obey
Let them roam free & happy!

Are words just something we utter
in verbose clutter & din?
Let them frivolously flutter
& cascade freed from chagrin?

Have words gotten just something we say?
Besides who are listening anyway?

Beseech that speech & verse be terse

If it requires boundless words
then is it worth saying
bar for literary nerds
conceitedly braying?

But when needs to be addressed
then let’s articulate
Let it be tersely expressed
avoid pontificate

Dazzle us not with harsh Kliegs at night
but bathe us in morning’s soft sunlight


Beware if you introduce facts bystanders shall forthwith make tracks

Aren’t words just something we utter
so no cause to get uptight?
As something we just let flutter
no need for feeling contrite?

Take care to avoid some subjects
while be up on latest trends
Lay off our usual suspects
who talk Tesla but drive Benz

Above all don’t appall them all
by acting the rumpled sleuth
who with hapless self-righteous gall
goes out looking for The Truth!

Beware that if we bring up facts
bystanders shall forthwith make tracks!

-facts = caution: factual evidence, unless disregarded, may stop us from doing what we want