My subjectivity is true objectivity

While open to critique
I’m of course quite unique
You must let me bespeak
with responses oblique

And I do declare
let me ensnare
I do not forswear
being unfair

For my subjectivity
is surely, I declare,
the true objectivity
Beyond that should I care?

Smart phone seemed lost but then was found

When your phone seemed lost
prima facie
didn’t you blame, accost
going crazy?

Then found! You were returned
from despair’s deepest canyon
No longer were you spurned
by your Dearest Companion!

How you had yearned to be prompted
back in ‘phonily’ graces
charmingly enticed & wanted
held in torrid embraces!

You may find it condescending
if labeled ’smartphonistic’
though hopefully not offending
but simply sybaritic?

Now you’re back in Reality
in cool nuzzling normality!

Hapless at their mercy, reduced to smile & curtsy

Those hectoring, obscure scenes:
don’t know a single nut or bolt
behind those crisp shiny screens
against which hopeless to revolt

Without an apology
the techno-fix is in
by latest frivolity
we cannot fix a thing

Large corporations with such ease
(we’re hapless at their mercy)
charges us hefty service fees
We’re left to smile & curtsy

Ours is not to understand how
but (whilst being scammed) acclaim ‘wow!’

… despite that we cheer in the bleachers!?

The Elite’s claims spout spurious
its logic & facts futile
Outcomes to us injurious
their domination brutal

By their jingoistic ways stirred
we ignore injustice rife
while succumbing in lives absurd
filled with suffering & strife

So why do we listen to their speeches
even cheering them on from the bleachers?!

Feigned to listen with eyes trained to glisten?

Nodding ‘Yes!’ Prettily smiling
signaling how we assuage
Leaning in closely, beguiling
lying in wait to engage

Then! Rushing the podium
forcing forward tilting
engendering odium
with rendition lilting!

Boorishly we’re ‘reporting’
while other voices thwarting

By faked exchange we’re elbowing
to corral own audience
In-vogue phrases we’re echoing
promoting our prominence

Out from what frozen frustration
flows such puerile predation?

‘reporting’ = here: often unsolicited, to boorishly drone on with pointless & self-centered accounts of the minute & mundane


Finding small talk fulfilling

What’s our pleasant ‘small talk’
but schlock while lolling?
Keeps humming, spiked by squawk
boorish & galling!

Seldom turns elevating
those leisurely oozings
of whiny ventilating
self-victimized musings

Mostly regurgitating
that not much worth saying
How tiresome, aggravating
much like brainless braying!

Small talk like cloying pies
whose flavor fading hasty
Expectations belies
beyond sugar, flour pasty

Inside hooey crumbly crust
gooey, gluey filling
for which lips & taste buds lust
rarely found fulfilling

Is not small talk a pie
over which we should cry ?

From the vapid repartee deliver me!

From those vapid repartees
please do deliver me!
None of them Life’s apogees
just annoying whoopee

So let’s not suffer such banter:
The ruckus & raves of the ranter
The meddling of the supplanter
trying out-cantillate the cantor

Those jarring voices just lessen & lambast
when I’d rather see quietude be amassed


No longer allowed for a fact to get into the act

Aren’t facts just too complicated, taking too much time & effort to uncover & verify? Do I need anyone to tell me what MY facts should be? Surely, fairer & easier for each of us just to make them up as we need them:

Read about them in the tabloids
plied by ‘anything goes’ hacks
Elsewhere commonly called factoids
dressed up as we need them ‘facts’

The Net thrills in profligacy
of excitement refulgent
Be it doubtful efficacy
enabling those indulgent

Who’s got guts to be resolute
sort out all that’s annoying
in these our sweet times dissolute
brimmed with the innate, cloying?

Hence we spill what pops into mind
as insight of reflected kind!


Tired of hearing myself

These days rarely get together
talking (while coffees gets cold)
with erstwhile friends of fair weather
to go over ‘the same old’

But ain’t their fallibility
that owns the culpability:

Palpably tired of listening
to my pontificating psyche
those middlings in discourse piddling
interspersed with vague harangues spiky

So having heard myself for seven decades:
enough already of such tiresome charades!

Obliquity now in ubiquity

Does our watching those celebs
so wealthy & carefree
clear our drudgery’s cobwebs
thin out boredom’s debris?

Seen how, say, grocery clerks
carry on like show hosts
setting off verbal fireworks
with check-out line ripostes?

Do talk shows model us folks?
Or do talk shows inform
manipulate, joke & coax
us in how to perform?

… keeping up the banter in ubiquity
in a tiresome culture of obliquity