Setbacks & wrinkles, long since goose pimples

Our faces turning craggy
Synapses misfiring
Jowls & butts sinking saggy
Worn thinly brain’s wiring

Daily routines found conspiring
full of setbacks & wrinkles
New challenges cause perspiring
Long since we felt goose pimples

Civility sorely lagging
Screeched promotions propitious
abound posturing & bragging
pitches puffed-up, suspicious

No punishment but reward
when in old age we’re ignored

-propitious = indicative of favor; presenting favorable circumstances
-wrinkle = a trick or dodge; crease in the skin

Enough specious words

Overseas millions killed, maimed
Their plight we belittle
concern rarely even feigned
to change noncommittal

Worn narrative straining
nation’s honor stained
In an empire waning
integrity sprained

The President’s smooth hollow words
just shows up paralysis
whether on climate, jobs or Kurds
Bring on urinalysis:

Enough specious words
by Ivy League nerds!

-president = written originally under Obama
-urinalysis = here: to identify those ‘high’ on Imperial hubris

Flailing words of squawk & schlock

Mortal Socrates and Jesus Divine
left behind not a single written line

Since then many others have rather
penned in infinite profusion
Much, be it elegant, still blather
compounding human confusion

Swift, countless like birds
in shrieking flock
failing, flailing words
of squawk & schlock

Awkward sentences churning
leave us achingly yearning


Subjects of banality splashing amongst the plurality

Our quick, impatient words
flapping in ad lib
like flocks of ‘take off’ birds
swift, screeching & glib

Our phrases cheerfully poured
over facts, rationale
‘cleverness points’ to be scored
regardless of morale

‘Rolling off tongue’ phrases
sink without a trace
scattered in odd places
as bystanders brace

While endless subjects of banality
keep splashing amongst the plurality

Gulping from the vile propaganda vial

The Empire of Denial
continues to beguile
By propaganda’s vial
clicking heals, shouting ‘heil’

U.S. lost in winless warring
yet still keeps persevering
Think by ‘doubling down’ they’re scoring
pretending to hear cheering!

The Elite keeps us Populace stirred
Reality & Fantasy blurred

The First Couple of Empire

Written in 2015

First couple of Empire
so tall, fit and lean
leading us in quagmire
smiling, waiving, preen.

While both o so chichi
ain’t he a bit preachy?

Should’ve minded caveat emptor
of “Change You Can Believe In”!
stuck with “Hope and Change” Emperor
who proves ever deceiving.

Misses no chance to endorse
while he’s killing by drone
‘The World’s Finest Fighting Force’.
Predecessors’ true clone.

“We left Iraq”, says he, “Heads held high!”
How (aghast!) can that be, why?
When million people had to die
still nothing sensed gone awry?!

-chichi = showily or affectedly elegant or trendy
-‘heads held high’ = “The last American soldier will cross the border out
of Iraq with their head held high, proud of their success and knowing
that the American people stand united in our support for our troops”
– Obama, Oct 2011

My subjectivity is true objectivity

While open to critique
I’m of course quite unique
You must let me bespeak
with responses oblique

And I do declare
let me ensnare
I do not forswear
being unfair

For my subjectivity
is surely, I declare,
the true objectivity
Beyond that should I care?

Smart phone seemed lost but then was found

When your phone seemed lost
prima facie
didn’t you blame, accost
going crazy?

Then found! You were returned
from despair’s deepest canyon
No longer were you spurned
by your Dearest Companion!

How you had yearned to be prompted
back in ‘phonily’ graces
charmingly enticed & wanted
held in torrid embraces!

You may find it condescending
if labeled ’smartphonistic’
though hopefully not offending
but simply sybaritic?

Now you’re back in Reality
in cool nuzzling normality!