Brash opinions know not stage fright

Hoping against hope: Save my poor ear
not another repetition!
For who among us do care to hear
such runaway feeble fission?

Garrulity gone meteoric
in hapless nation dysphoric
while the gushing foamy rhetoric
soars in distortions historic

Brash opinions know not stage fright
or usefulness of sound bite
in election spectacle’s blight
accentuates all what’s trite

Those who opine show no contrition
for their spewing words pernicious
or for the lack of inhibition
on narrow paths injudicious

edited 12/04/21 1635

Online joy fades dysphoric

Set upon by darkening squall
in deep, murky waters we trawl

Keyboards clatteringly tapped
without effort or strain
Human memory lapped, gapped
does save time, while lulls brain

By smart devices electronic
bodies slumping catatonic
Instant searches counter-mnemonic
in tasks often histrionic:

Netting but victories Pyrrhic
as online joy fades dysphoric

‘Rhymatic’ fever

Have gotten too immersed
in stanza & verse
as if being coerced
Outright prose averse

Struck by rhymatic fever
meant my social death knell
Life under lifted cleaver
casts lonely outcast’s spell

Keeps fumbling the prosody
until turns tragicomedy
which fades in aprosody
until picks up in psalmody

The mere sometimes lapse or slip
or am I losing my grip?

-aprosody = (speech pathology) lack of variations in speech, such as speed, tone, and emphasis
-prosody = the study of meter and the art of versification
-psalmody = the act of singing psalms or hymns
-‘rhymatic’ fever = (license) condition that compels to express us in verse of rhyme

Mind scatters downwind?

My tepid thoughts shiver
Its conclusions quiver

Then like light squall
sweeping gust
in fleeting thrall
comes distrust

Gathering breeze
brings a chill
more ill at ease
than ill will

Is my mind chagrined
by happenstance
scattering downwind
by circumstance?

Or just dueling with dementia
while distracted by dyslexia?


Cold shouldered by muse

Proto-verses stuck in queue
cold shouldered by his Muse
stranded instead with a shrew
seems he’s paying his dues

“Am hardly expecting affection
merely had hoped for direction
so will settle for imperfection!”
he versifies in dejection

Amidst twilight’s hue
in the Word Zoos
phrases won’t accrue
to cheers & boos

His cadence jammed
his stanzas hammed
name calling

Had hoped to glimpse words that would stir dragoons
but found mostly those from burping buffoons

Erstwhile souls debased

We’re wilting in complacency’s shades
lost in gutless conformity
On frequent refrigerator raids
indulgent of deformity

Lassitude has kept us callow
from solidarity strayed
Each morning’s fresh hue turns sallow
by torrid crassitude swayed

We’ll be found too light when weighed
our erstwhile souls debased
Surely this whole jam self-made
with gone sour aftertaste?

Disingenuous words slither & slide

Aiming to take us for a ride
those disingenuous words
tenebrously slither & slide
pounce singly as well in herds

By blurred verbiage thronged
our attention grabbed
Bathos suffered prolonged
its contentions crabbed

Assertions spurious
cheery & braying
Assaults laborious
preying, dismaying

Spectacle precarious
in bombastic bouquet
All so faux gregarious
in dissolute decay



Attempting tighter stanzas

Airy verse warmly oblique
blows abaft, blows athwart
Rhyming bursts in thoughtful pique
lighthearted to cavort

Verse anxious to comport
without baring fangs
just aiming to transport
holding back harangues

Make stanzas tight
not staid or prosy
Make the tone light
but not too rosy

Set not out to sway
or to dissuade
Never try upbraid
attempt allay

Show mercy, so don’t hold forth
Have pity, make verses short

-abaft = from the stern
-athwart = right angle to the ship’s center

Post-millennial centaur, arrayed in splendour

Tell, has our Species ever met
someone that so hogs our time?
Anything like the Internet
that so dominates our prime?

Anything as facile as the Smart Phone
enticing indulgent seclusion?
where we are never & always alone
in such tantalizing collusion?

The hapless Post-Millennial Centaur
gallops wildly in oblivion
arrayed in alienation’s splendour
til crashed in future obsidian!