Today’s speech rarely corollary, mostly arbitrary

Of today’s speech be wary
seldom corollary
ill boding, often airy
hurriedly Hail Mary

Flimsy, fleeting such ‘bliss’
when facts, what’s fair we ignore
in collusion we kiss
Cease & desist, I implore!

Or I’ll wake with hangover hammering
from such ceaseless self-absorbed yammering

Are we all doing our utmost not to boast?

Before sunrise he’d be found
like clockwork our rooster
on his fiefdom’s barnyard mound
as his own best booster

Perhaps wound tightly
but hens find him knightly
Comes across sprightly
takes a stance uprightly

Repeatedly he must crow
to hear his own voice inflection
In dedication aglow
offers, as it is, protection

Aren’t we all doing our utmost
while taking good care not to boast?

Do we all need one to be ‘with’ someone?

Aren’t we idling in the wings
until phone imposes
listlessly until it rings
then all else forecloses?

In hyper connected times
everywhere a free zone
where lights up & crisply chimes
our exacting smart phone

Long gone when dialog was between two
now it takes a three- or foursome to coo

three- or foursome = 2 persons + 1 or 2 smartphones involved

On your ass in morass

If you’re part of the admass
lost, beguiled & propagandized
you’re on your ass in morass
unwittingly anesthetized

The MSM ain’t independent
rather the Elites’ co-defendant

-admass = the part of society that is easily influenced by the mass media and advertising;
-MSM = main stream media