Well versed

As the morning dawns
a next day announcing
We’re ready, poor pawns
for another trouncing

But when I get myself versed
there’s air under my wings
Not ensnared, slogging cursed
among prosaic things

Lightens the day’s burden in trade-off
when starts off with a rhyming take-off

well versed = here: able to write a fair verse

Chastened I’ll be all right

At this closing stage of Life
I’ve come to realize
it all turned too rife with strife
but need to emphasize

until this time
I’d been distracted
Had seemed just ‘fine’
barely impacted

Following such insight
denial was history
Chastened, I’ll be all right
embracing Life’s mystery!

no longer can I continue to flout
that distraction but fleetingly works out


Bluebells chime in Spring

Ethereal Bluebells
aren’t on human time
When wondrous Springtime knells
soundlessly they chime

Most faint winds stir them at will
unruffled, uncaptured
unstintingly poised they thrill
We’re embraced, enraptured

Springtime’s soul
breathes through Bluebells
takes no toll
all anguish quells

Bluebells’ ineffable presence
flows unhurried through senescence

Fleetingly flirting with Spring

While out this day crisp & clear
in late Winter sun bleak
while squinting in light austere
fleetingly caught a peak:

of Spring Herself, behold
in season preview
impervious to cold
Hope now springs anew

It is She, Spring Vernal
bubbling brook blithely!
Her return eternal
enlivens sprightly

While smile evanescent
she’s still sheer delight
as well effervescent
heart-heating & bright

Her advent demure
hemline proper
still wondrous allure
a crowd stopper

With wide eyed gaze unblinking
I sneaked another peek
imagined She were winking
then pecked me on the cheek

Elated about this ‘fling’
with the now approaching Spring!

‘Shelf stable’ cream

Here’s a gripping tale non-dripping
of hermetically sealed
tight container of cream whipping
with the longest lasting yield

A packaged whipping cream
truly ‘shelf stable’
long the hostess’ dream
for the smart table!

But won’t stabilize a wobbly shelf
Repeatedly tried and failed myself

-‘shelf stable’ = (marketing lingo) the cream stays fresh for a few months in an unopened container outside the refrigerator – while the package is useless for stabilizing a wobbly shelf



Before tomatoes sent flying

With aging it may prove opportune
willingly to depart the stage
with dignity to face our ‘high noon’
turn the age appropriate page?

Better renounce the charade
before boos & whistle
All performances shall fade
fidgety crowds bristle

Rather leaving still carried by cheers
spared humiliation, crying
if having been thrown out on our ears
midst rotten tomatoes flying

Step aside, pointless to feign
time to bring out the champagne!

-high noon = here: facing something unavoidable if we aspire to some measure of courage & integrity; title of 1952 film

Rolling through early Spring’s bursting blossom portals

Winter now fading flotsam
lost in tenebrous wake
while the Spring’s tender blossom
bursting fully awake

Dancing blinding sun rays
reflections oblique
among brief showers race
playing hide & seek

In streets trees stretch their eaves
blows a gentle tepid breeze
through giddy tender leaves
like sound of slipping chemise

To roll through cherry blossom portal
brims the heart of this rhyming mortal

Slicing to quintessence

When to consume feels choking
by gorging & swilling
somewhat akin to croaking
from stuffing & filling

Then slicing to quintessence
chaos turns clarity
sails out in luminescence
opens to charity

Be it just fleetingly of course
as much of that what I write
keeps turning out manure by horse
or at best of boorish sleight

Still rather write in faux creativity
than reading in lethargic passivity

Riding the ‘Coast Starlight’ at night

Drawn owlish train whistles
in plaintive shrillness
each piercingly chisels
through nightly stillness

Through windows in blurry caprice
darkly flash by power poles
Swaying coach cradling us in peace
lounging bodies, stirred up souls

Thunders through crossings’ clangs
of collapsing crescendo
fading as also-rangs
until mere innuendo

Through mountains, along banks
rolls the Coast Starlight
Each wheel set timely clanks
in silent moonlight

-also-rang = rang: past tense of ring; from ‘also-ran’
-Coast Starlight = the Amtrak train between Seattle and Los Angeles